10 Reasons To Love Your White Hair And Wrinkles

The human body undergoes several transformations over the years. By the time you reach old age, it is common for white hair and wrinkles to start appearing, among other signs. It is also common that with the arrival of these signs appear some dissatisfaction with the appearance and constant desire to camouflage some of these marks, either by coloring the hair white or undergoing surgical and aesthetic procedures to soften the signs.

Dissatisfaction with changes in appearance can often occur due to social pressures to keep the look young at all times. This is because, most of the time and especially when it comes to women, the media seeks to portray a body always young. The elderly woman when portrayed in television productions, for example, almost always does not appear her age and advertising incessantly sells products and procedures to make youth eternal.

Growing old is natural and the new features acquired over the years should not be shameful, hidden or even camouflaged with procedures aimed at externalizing a young body. It is logical that the use of procedures should or should not be done according to the woman's wishes and how she feels best and only takes into account her own opinion. It is paramount that each woman's choice is respected, so whether or not she camouflages the signs of age, every woman must be accepted as she chose to be.

10 Reasons To Love Your White Hair And Wrinkles

The daily social pressures on the ideal of beauty often discourage women from accepting their bodies, their hair textures, and this charge may be even greater with older women. Not giving in to all these daily impositions can be tricky, but if you want to not intervene in the aging process, know that it is possible and that there are many reasons for it. Check out the list below with some of them and get inspired:

1. You stop taking risks with invasive surgical procedures

Every surgical procedure can present risks, no matter how simple. In addition, some procedures may require a rest time. If you choose not to go through these procedures, consequently, in addition to not taking risks, you will also have more time to relax and enjoy your moments with other activities.

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2. You get the most out of your money

Surgical, aesthetic procedures, and even a monthly trip to the beauty salon to color white strands can be costly. If you don't spend on these procedures, you can make the most of your money and spend it on travel, sightseeing, and wherever you want.

3. Famous women don't look their age

There is a lot of news about a particular famous 70-year-old with a 40-year-old face. Most famous seniors have gone through numerous procedures to look young. Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to look famous and look younger than you are.

4. Aging is all natural

As much as the media say no and there are countless ways to try to preserve youth, this is not mandatory. Growing old is natural and everyone who reaches a certain age will go through the aging process.

5. Do you inspire other women to do the same?

As you get older naturally you encourage other women to do the same. You can also tell other women about your acceptance process and inspire them to follow suit.

6. Getting old naturally is an act of resistance.

If you choose to age without procedures you are denying the social standards of beauty. Just by turning your hair white and not intervening in your wrinkles, you are already a strong woman who resists the standards.

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7. Your appearance does not have to meet the standards

Only who knows what is best for you is yourself. So even though beauty standards say you have to be a certain way, you don't have to. Your appearance needs only to be what you want and not what is right for society.

8. You have more time to devote to your inner side.

If you dedicate yourself to your interior you can happen in different ways, it can be learning some new activity, dedicating yourself to the crafts you like, on the spiritual side, among other things. In short, the time aesthetic procedures would take from you can be devoted to countless activities that bring inner satisfaction.

9. Is a self-knowledge process

By entering the process of accepting the timestamps, the woman gets to know herself better, can see how the aging process happens, and knows exactly what her appearance really looks like.

10. Not fighting the marks of time is no sign of carelessness.

Contrary to what many people may say, letting hair whiten naturally and not camouflaging wrinkles does not mean that the woman does not take care of her appearance and is sloppy. The concept of beauty care can and should encompass all the ways that women have decided to be.

The reports and tips of who loves his white hair and wrinkles

Check out the reports and tips from two women who decided not to intervene in the time stamps and get inspired by their stories:

Also read: 10 Anti Aging Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

Maria Lúcia Teixeira Andrade, 60 years old:

“It goes with every woman the way she wants to be, but I believe the media puts pressure on women not to accept the aging process. It will also go to every woman, if she does not feel good about something, to seek some aesthetic treatment to feel better. The problem is when you live just for that. Until I was 40 years old I was very afraid of old age, so I started looking for a maturity on all this and decided that taking care of my health, doing gym and eating healthy were ways to grow old well. It is not that the outside does not matter, but the health that comes from within reflects on the outside and it shows the love I feel for me. What matters is being with your spirit well above all.

Cármen Lúcia Stumpf, 56 years old:

? Society puts pressure on the new, the disposable, consumer product process to keep women fit. Using chemical dyes for years, I observed the wear and tear they caused me. When I decided to accept my hair, I did the process in the salon, it took 1 year until it was totally natural. The decision to make this process implies agreeing with an internal response, the woman's own decision to want it. For whatever reason. I face the marks of time, wrinkles, white hair, sagging, with good humor and joy, because they are part of my story. I have no problem with that. Harmony and balance must be in all things and such a decision too !?

Deciding whether or not to intervene on the time marks, whether coloring the threads, performing surgical or aesthetic processes, should be a choice of the woman only. No woman is prettier or better than another for fighting the marks of time or not; The choice of each must be respected above all. Every woman is beautiful the way she chose to be.

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