8 Greek Rice Recipes for a More Colorful and Tasty Meal

Few foods are as popular as rice. It is the perfect accompaniment to any type of meat and dishes in general.

But always doing it the same way, in a traditional way, can get sick. Sometimes the occasion or even the urge to eat something different calls for "more incremental" accompaniment.

This is where Greek rice comes into play as a great option: plain rice gets colorful and tasty ingredients, making it a fuller and more inviting dish.

Get inspired by delicious Greek rice recipes and prepare this side dish that pleases Greeks and Trojans!

1. Easy Greek Rice

Basic recipe, which includes carrots, peppers, raisins, ham and Parmesan cheese. The rice is colorful and tasty and goes well with any kind of meat. It's worth checking the recipe here.

Also read: 10 smart ways to reuse food scraps

2. Festive Greek Rice

Recipe that turns ordinary rice into a different and exquisite dish. Good choice for parties or special family lunches! Not to mention that the recipe is very simple, without mistakes! See the full recipe.

3. Colored Greek Rice

A rice that is beautiful, tasty and that can accompany the meat you want. You will only use oil, garlic, green-smelling peas, corn, carrots, raisins, red, green and yellow peppers, rice and water. Check out the walkthrough in the video.

4. Fast Greek Rice

An easy and delicious recipe that goes well with barbecues, family lunches and other special occasions. Makes four servings. Check out the ingredients used and the preparation details in the video.

5. Creamy Greek Greek Rice

Perfect for everyday life or even for special occasions like Easter, Christmas or New Year. Will you need brown rice, raisins, carrots, peas and ricotta cream? that will add the creamy touch to the dish. Check out the full recipe.

6. Greek Oven Rice

As tasty as traditional Greek rice? A good suggestion to innovate! It is perfect to accompany roasts and the preparation is very simple. It's worth a try! See how to prepare.

Read also: 10 Piamontese Rice Recipes to Let Your Guests Drool

7. Zucchini Stuffed with Greek Rice

A different and delicious recipe that yields four units. You only need zucchini, cooked rice, corn, peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, olive oil, turmeric, pepper and salt. Check out the recipe!

8. Greek Quinoa

Great choice for those who have the habit of consuming quinoa, which is a very complete, healthy and versatile food. In addition to this you will use water, carrots, red peppers, zucchini, raisins, rolled almonds, salt and black pepper. Check out the preparation here.

Greek rice goes very well with meat in general, among other dishes. Colorful, it is super inviting and pleases most people. Successfully include it in your special occasions!

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