5 Signs That You Have a Chance to Have Diabetes

A silent disease whose symptoms in the early stages are not easily identifiable. This is diabetes, which happens when your blood sugar (glucose) level rises above normal. Despite being a chronic disease and without cure, it is possible to control and lead a normal life.

There are still people who are not diabetic, but who have the so-called pre-diabetes, that is, glucose levels are higher than normal, but still far from being classified as diabetic levels.

Studies show that people with pre-diabetes can develop type 2 diabetes in up to 10 years, unless they take some simple precautions such as exercising frequently and making dietary changes, choosing a proper diet.

There are no obvious symptoms, but prediabetes develops over the years. It is therefore important to be aware and try to notice some warning signs. Thus, you can seek medical help as soon as possible, avoiding any serious problem.

Know the 5 Signs of Pre-Diabetes

1 ? Feeling very tired after eating

The urge to take a nap after meals is natural, but if it happens often, it can be a sign of your body to carbohydrates, which are broken down by the bloodstream as glucose (blood sugar), the body's main energy source. When blood containing glucose reaches the pancreas, the organ receives the message of insulin release. Over time, this cycle can cause the body to become insulin resistant.

2 ? Have anxiety about eating carbohydrates

Your body is asking for chocolates, chips and other foods high in sugar, salt and fat, which ignite the brain's ever-increasing reward system. This can be dangerous because simple carbohydrates (sugar, white flour) break down quickly, causing insulin-resistant cells to ignore this entry of glucose into the blood. Thus the pancreas releases more insulin, generating a reduction in blood sugar. The body gets stuck in a wave of tiredness and naturally longs for new foods that will give energy. The brain becomes obsessed with this mission in a vicious cycle. And in addition, it increases the weight.

3? Overweight

It is a common feature of pre-diabetics and in itself a major risk factor. The most worrying thing is when the person tries to cut the calories and fails, which may be a sign of conflicting messages that the cells are receiving.

4? Your body looks more like an apple than a pear

More serious than weight gain is weight gain in a specific area of ​​the body, more precisely around the waist and abdomen. This fact is associated with insulin resistance and pre-diabetes. The so-called? Belly fat? It is linked to a higher rate of blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and dangerous cholesterol levels. These are all risk factors for diabetes.

5? High pressure

If increased pressure happens along with weight gain, fatigue, and high cholesterol and triglyceride rates, it may be a strong sign of prediabetes. Many people worry about heart problems and do not realize that high blood pressure may also be related to other diseases.

Tips to circumvent these risks

Maintaining a balanced diet and exercising is essential, as these habits act directly on weight loss. Swap quick snacks for slower digesting options such as nuts, bananas, raw carrots. Over time, the habit settles down.

Choose more complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains (barley, oats, quinoa, brown rice), vegetables and whole fruits (not juice), so the body needs to work harder to digest, making blood sugar stable for longer. .

And don't think about losing a lot of pounds at once. Think about losing gradually. Losing 5% to 7% of body weight prevents or delays diabetes by up to 60%. For this, the best combination is balanced diet and physical activity.

As for physical activity, start small with 15-minute walks and gradually increase. The ideal is 30 to 60 minutes daily, but the most important is not to continue in sedentary lifestyle. By building muscle, the body increases the number of enzymes that are able to metabolize glucose as a fuel source for cells. Take care.

16 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High & 8 Diabetes Symptoms (March 2024)

  • Diabetes, Prevention and Treatment
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