These 7 women have published pictures of their belly to show that the swelling is normal.

You wake up and admire your flat stomach, just the way you like it. Then, without the slightest explanation, you are getting ready for bed and you come across a huge belly!

Have you been through this situation? For be aware that seeing one's belly grow huge at any moment is not uncommon.

In fact, we all have abdominal bloats at some point in life, although they are more common in some situations, such as when we eat something that doesn't go well, abuse salt, have a few more drinks or are in PMS.

The fact is that abdominal bloating can happen to anyone, so don't feel guilty or embarrassed if on that particular day you have the most prominent belly. Unfortunately, it happens!

To prove that swelling is common, these 7 women have posted photos of you on Instagram comparing the size and shape of your belly when it is normal and when it resolves to swell, usually 12 hours apart.

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Keep in mind that some of the following women are fitness influencers, so the belly of the? Common people? will not always be the same as theirs, ok? Let's go to the photos:

1. Pregnant with a pudding

"I have something to tell you?" I have a dessert baby !? It was in a very human way that fitness model Emily Skye decided to show her more than 2 million followers that even the Instagram muses can have a swollen belly. In this case, is it to blame? Was it from a dessert? and she makes sure it was worth it!

2. Swelling in PMS

Lisa Feisty is a fitness mom who suffers a lot from bloating during PMS. In the picture on the left, she shows how her belly was at night when she was suffering from very severe cramps. The next day, in the morning, the swelling was gone.

3. You are beautiful. Don't be so hard on yourself

The girl in the pictures above is a bodybuilder named Lauryn. As with Lisa, Lauryn's swelling was caused by PMS and was accompanied by many cramps and mood swings. With all this, she admits that it can be really hard to keep her self-esteem high, but the final message is: “You're beautiful. Don't be so hard on yourself?

4. 12 hours difference

In the photos above, you can see the difference 12 hours made in the size and shape of Steph's belly, a chef who specializes in healthy food. According to her, the bloating was caused by a combination of very tight jeans, overeating and a few extra drinks. ? If I feel guilty about it? NOT! If I had fun? YES!? Wrote the chef? the message is given!

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5. I ate too much, simple as that

Sara Puhto is a vegan model who highly values ​​healthy eating. But, 7 hours after Thanksgiving dinner, did she have a belly that was too big? simply because you ate too much! After a few more hours, after Sara had done some exercises, her belly was back to normal.

6. Daily Swelling

Norma is a Physical Education instructor doing a Master's degree in Nutrition. However, her lifestyle and knowledge do not prevent her belly from swelling almost every day (in the photos she shows her belly in the morning, after lunch and after dinner).

The explanation for this is that Norma suffers from gastroesophageal reflux and has a very intense menstrual flow, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal changes and, of course, very bloating. Even leading a ruled life, Norma counts that her weight can vary up to 4.5 kg in the menstrual period!

7. A Night's Sleep

Tiffany Brien is a digital influencer who talks about health, exercise, diet and beauty. However, even having a "jealous body", she is not free from suffering from bloating. According to the model, the photos are only 12 hours apart? the first was taken before she went to sleep, and the second after waking up.

According to Tiffany, the bloating was caused by a combination of sleepless nights, stress, hormonal changes (after participating in a swimsuit beauty contest) and food intolerance.

Read also: Swelling: Causes and Treatments to Avoid This Discomfort

ÜI get sad when it happens. There is nothing I can do to resolve this immediately, but it is possible to address and overcome this problem. You are not alone. Will everything be all right? Tiffany told his followers.

As you can see, even women who take heavy training and a controlled diet can suffer from bloating. And all are unanimous: if you suffer from this problem, you are not alone! Don't feel bad and don't let your self esteem fall because of it.

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