16 Tips for Eating Healthy Without Spending a Lot

Consumption of organic vegetables, miscellaneous grains, and reducing that extra spoonful of sugar is not always the only excuse when fleeing food reeducation. Invariably, the adoption of new habits begins on the shelves, and often this detail justifies it: after all, the values ​​of healthier products usually appear higher than desired.

Above all aesthetic reasons, however, it is important to think that that headache may have started on your plate, either because of food allergies or even overconsumption of products that contain harmful substances like fats, for example.

While all these cares may seem annoying, eating well is not so difficult and does not necessarily have to make your pocket hurt.

So how about stopping and starting to practice healthier eating without having to spend a lot for it?


This is a tempting moment for anyone starting to bet on new habits now. Resisting the packet of crackers and skipping ready meals is a challenge, especially for those who need to eat fast and love a practicality. However, as nutritionist Bárbara Rodriguez of Nutri Import in Vila Velha reminds us, for functionality to be accompanied by healthy eating, "you just have to get organized to have nutritious food both at home and at work."

Also read: 10 smart ways to reuse food scraps

1. Shopping List

It may seem obvious, but leaving home for specific purposes makes it much easier to walk around the shelves. Not always having a list on hand means that the bags will only get the products you remember, but the items organized on paper can help you focus on healthier foods and think twice about being seduced by a package of fried chips.

Another trick worth trying is not to go shopping feeling hungry, which makes everything look so much more appetizing. Thus, you are less likely to be impulsive and take what does not fit into a healthier and more nutritious diet.

2. Read the labels

Although not a very comfortable measure, Barbara Rodriguez points out that reading product labels can be a good way to help you avoid ingredients that are not very health-friendly. The expert points out that nutritional information is not just calories: "a zero soda, for example, has zero calories and zero nutrients as well, and contains preservatives and dyes," she adds. Sodium and fats are also cited as elements that should be avoided by those who wish to eat healthy.

3. Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Sometimes it is better to let go of some requirements and bet on what is most affordable. Of course, not all natural products are as appealing to everyone alike, but choose what is? Of the time? You can be sure that the taste is better than a vegetable or fruit that can be found more difficult at the time of purchase. Remembering that the harder it is to find a food, the higher the value is likely to be.

4. Generic and Bulk Products

Specialized establishments and local producers can be good alternatives when looking for natural products. It may be more economical to purchase a smaller quantity that fits your needs than to invest in a sealed, labeled package on the market.

Also read: 11 Canned Foods You Should Avoid

The same goes for items that are usually marketed by some brands and can also be found in generic productions such as breakfast cereals. Many markets have their own product lines, including.

5. Frozen to canned

Contrary to what it may seem, eating frozen vegetables is not an enemy of healthy eating. Products such as canned corn and peas do not preserve nutrients and are accompanied by preservatives, while frozen packs tend to keep them because of the low temperatures.

6. Ready Options

Just as canned foods should be avoided, nutritionist Barbara recommends that soda and canister juices be discarded as well. A possible replacement is frozen fruit pulp or the natural juice itself.

In the case of fruits that need to be peeled for consumption, for example, the expert suggests their more practical versions: "there are packaged and lyophilized fruits, which are pieces that have gone through a low temperature and keep the pigmentation and the original shape."

By conserving, storing and consuming

As healthy eating implies increased consumption of perishable foods, it is important to know well how products can be better conserved so that their life span is extended and their consumption better enjoyed.

Read also: 14 tips for changing your cooking habits and preparing healthier meals

7. Portions

A good idea for bulk or bulk foods is to break them into smaller portions for easier storage and consumption. Some products may even be frozen to last longer.

8. Order in the fridge

Who has never forgotten a fruit pack at the bottom of the drawer and found out too late? To avoid situations like this, it is preferable to leave perishable foods in front of the other items in the refrigerator. This tactic also helps to resist other possible temptations, such as? Dawn? Pizza. or the rest of the weekend cake.

9. Cultivation

Having a little space at home and a little bit of land is also a great way to ensure healthy eating and if buying vegetables from local growers is already an economy, imagine growing your own food! Growing a small garden is not a lot of work and can help to always have fresh produce at home.

The time to prepare meals

Taking time to cook also makes all the difference in the process of adopting new eating habits. In addition to broadening your options, it can also help you break down prejudice and try new ingredients.

10. Sometimes less is more

One of the most striking points in dietary education concerns the amount of meals eaten daily. In addition to the quality of your intake, it is important to eat more often a day in smaller portions, making it easier to make sure you eat better and to ensure better metabolism.

Read also: 15 ways to reuse orange peel

11. The Art of Cooking

Inevitably, those who like to cook must have noticed at least once that the best way to really eat well is to prepare their own meal or at least have some control over what they will consume. Eating in restaurants is not always a good option, as it is difficult to know all the ingredients used in the chosen dish.

12. Natural Sweets?

Sometimes it seems like a little sugar can work miracles, a dessert can make all the difference after dinner, but not a chocolate or pie filled with stuffing matches healthy eating habits. Natural sugars found in fruits and some vegetables are preferable in these cases, mainly because they are rich in vitamins and therefore more nutritious.

13.? And Whole Products

Substituting refined foods for wholegrain foods is also a great way to ensure a healthy meal, especially with regard to grains and cereals. This is because processing often decreases the fiber rate of products.

14. In the pan

An easy tip to take? especially for those who are happy to venture into the kitchen? And what does not hurt in the pocket is to prefer natural spices to give more flavor to meals. Barbara Rodriguez explains that ingredients such as? Oregano, peppers, curries generally have antioxidant components and zero calories.?

If you need to escape from sodium, another interesting option is to use lemon instead of salt, especially in salads.

Other habits you can adopt

All of the above tips are very important for people willing to adopt a healthier eating style, but the simpler attitudes cannot be forgotten either!

15. Drank water?

During meals, it is important to avoid fluid intake, mainly because this habit can dilute gastric juice and thus cause reactions such as heartburn, as well as? Deceiving? your stomach, making you feel full before you actually are. This may sound good at first, but in this way nutrients are metabolized faster, causing hunger to return sooner.

Between meals, it is recommended not to drink juices or sodas. To quench thirst, water is still a human's best friend and ideally, on average, two liters of fluid should be consumed per day.

16. More Colorful Dishes

If you are unsure whether you are eating healthily, a good assessment to make is how much your colorful meals are.Vegetables, fruits and vegetables can be eaten in a variety of varieties and ideally each type of food should be eaten at a different meal.

These natural options are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, calcium and iron, among other elements that need to be replaced in the human body.

If you're still weighing the values ​​of each lifestyle, dietitian Barbara Rodriguez pays attention to one last detail: "options like vegetables, fruits and vegetables are sometimes more affordable and always more nutritious than fast food, for example."

There are several observations required from those who want to eat better. At first it may seem too complicated, but as with every new habit, adaptation is a matter of time, and at least in this case the benefits are rewarding!

How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy | Luke Durward | TEDxYorkU (April 2024)

  • Food, Cooking, Diets
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