Antibiotic: from good guy to bad guy

"Antibiotic," according to the dictionary, is what a body is called that prevents the development or multiplication of certain microbes. This body can come from many different sources (from extracts of bacterial or fungal cultures to synthetic substances developed in the laboratory).

In medicine, antibiotic drugs are used to fight off most harmful bacteria. Do they act by combating and destroying any parasitic organisms? Strange bacteria? without, however, destroying the cells of the human body.

Different types of antibiotic act in different ways on bacteria; Bactericidal antibiotics kill them directly, while bacteriostatic antibiotics block or inhibit their ability to grow and reproduce.

The human immune system is made up of the body's natural cells, which are responsible for fighting foreign bodies that may enter it.

It is possible that in very strong bacterial infections this system will be overcome by parasites.

The antibiotic drug boosts the body's defenses, decreasing the action of bacteria and thus allowing the immune system to recover and can fight back the disease on its own.

What is antibiotic resistance and why does it occur?

Antibiotic resistance is the ability of a given bacterium to not suffer the effects of the drug. This is because some bacteria may undergo a mutation process. When we take an antibiotic, it kills bacteria that are sensitive to its action, but mutant-resistant bacteria can survive and multiply, making the antibiotic ineffective in treating its intended problem. Therefore the use of antibiotics should be done sparingly, always through medical advice and follow-up.

Why should I worry about antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotics are the main form of treatment of most diseases caused by bacteria. Among the various diseases treated with antibiotics are cholera, tuberculosis, menigococcal meningitis and pneumonia. If bacteria become resistant to these drugs in an individual, they can pass them on to family members, for example, making them vulnerable to disease action and without the possibility of effective treatment.

How to prevent resistant bacteria infections?

We should avoid taking any kind of medicine without expert advice. With antibiotics is no different and any kind of self-medication is contraindicated. By following the advice of healthcare professionals and subjecting the patient to the recommended treatment (not stopping the prescribed time and not taking unnecessary doses), it is possible to prevent the disease-causing agents from developing drug resistance.

The Antibiotic Apocalypse Explained (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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