10 activities to burn 100 calories without going to the gym

Abused for dessert and want to give your regime a boost by losing a few more calories? Check out 10 activities you can do every day to lose up to 100 calories without even having to work hard.

1 ? Stand up

No talking on the phone or watching TV lying or sitting all the time. To burn a few extra calories, stand up while doing this kind of activity. Standing requires the use of several muscles and if you stand for 10 minutes every hour of an 8 hour workday you will be burning 100 calories without even realizing it.

2 ? Massage someone

It can be your co-worker, your boyfriend, your mother or anyone you want to please with a light massage, pamper someone with a massage and lose some calories. With just 20 minutes of massage you can burn 100 calories.

3? Take your break by walking to the coffee shop

If you often go to a bakery or café near your work during your break, always prefer to walk to the place rather than drive. In addition to avoiding the stress of traffic, if the walk lasts a total of 20 minutes, you will be burning 100 calories.

4? Browse the internet

As absurd as it sounds, Dr. Sejal Shah of the Medi-Weight Loss Clinic in Tampa, USA, said using the internet and clicking for an hour or so during the day can help burn an extra 100 calories.

5? Use the hair dryer

Save money by doing salon service at home. Drying your hair with a blow dryer for 30 minutes also helps you burn 100 calories without realizing it. Also, after this activity you will be tidy.

6? Try a new recipe

Spending 30 minutes slicing, chopping, mixing and cooking also causes 100 calories to clear from your body. But be careful not to prepare something too heavy, otherwise your work will have been in vain because you will gain more calories than lose.

7? Walk while talking on the phone

If you are talking to one of those friends with whom you spend more than half an hour on the phone, be aware that besides being aware of the latest news she has to tell you you are also burning 100 calories without much effort.

8? Clean up your wardrobe

Organize your closets, wardrobe and drawers and sort out what goes into the trash, donate and what's left. Doing this will keep everything in order and if the activity is at least 35 minutes you will also burn the dreaded 100 calories you gained from eating a sweetie the other day.

9? Play catch with family kids

This game, besides being a lot of fun, if played for at least 20 minutes helps to expel 100 calories from your body and give your diet a boost. Best of all, at the same time you'll be spending time with kids you love.

10? Go shopping

Strolling the aisles of stores and malls can also help you lose weight. Spending more than 30 minutes looking at shop windows, trying on clothes, and buying clothes also causes you to burn 100 calories.

Walking the dog, cleaning and doing dishes can also help you burn a few extra calories. Now that you know how to effortlessly burn 100 calories, you can now choose which activities best fit your daily life and start sending those calories away right now.

Text freely translated and adapted from Redbook magazine.

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