54 Pet Myths and Truths

Who loves and lives with dog or cat knows that the universe of pets is surrounded by myths. It is a fact that they require special care, but sometimes some guidance? as much about care as about living with pets? they are wrongly passed, generating even more doubts and even certain "fears".

You may have heard, for example, that a pregnant woman cannot have cats at home. Or that the breed of dog totally determines its behavior.

But is all this really true?

Do professionals clarify the most talked about dogs and cats below? as far as caring for these animals is concerned, as well as their relationship with humans.

1. Having a pet offers benefits for both adults and children.

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TRUTH. ?For sure. Are proven benefits related to physical health, with improved immunity of the body, and mental, providing improvements in depressive conditions, for example?

2. Dogs are attached to owners and cats are attached to the home.

MYTH. Marcos Fernandes, homeopathic veterinarian and psychoanalyst, points out that this is not true. What happens is that cats are not always available to their guardians. They are more independent. They do like their owners, but in a different way from the dog ?, he says.

3. Cats are not affectionate.

MYTH. “They are quite affectionate for the most part. However, they are not as euphoric as dogs, for example. Are they always around, petting their owners? Mariana comments.

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4. It is unhealthy to raise dogs and cats as if they were "children".

TRUTH. According to Fernandes, it is not healthy. For it is a huge psychological burden for the dog to be the animal and, at the same time, the child. Nowadays many humanized animals get sick due to this psychological overload ?, he says.

Giovana Mazzotti, Master of Animal Biology, Doctoral Student in Animal Health, Undergraduate Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Graduate Professor, Member of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and Owner of the Giovana Mazzotti Feline Medicine Office, points out that the love you give to animal may be equivalent to the love given to a human being. “This is a personal matter. What is wrong is anthropomorphism, that is, to attribute to animals functions, desires and characteristics of human beings. Shoes and perfumes, for example, are bad for the health of these animals ?, he says.

"The care of dogs and cats must be based on the needs of these species, which are different from each other and different from humans," adds Giovana.

Of course, each person / family has their own particularities when it comes to raising their pet, but you must always remember first of all that it is an animal and needs to be taken care of as such. This by no means means that he cannot / should receive all the love of his tutors.

5. Dogs should eat only ration (and never food).

MYTH. Fernandes says dogs can eat homemade food, which should always be prescribed by the veterinarian. "Normally natural food has many benefits for dogs," he comments.

Giovana points out that the ration is the diet developed by veterinary nutritionists that, in a practical way, allows people to feed animals in a healthy way. • Who chooses to prepare food for dogs and cats at home should have the advice of a veterinarian nutritionist who will make the prescription. ideal for that animal?

6. Wet food is always better for pets than dry food.

MYTH. Fernandes points out that this is indifferent. "But younger animals that still have a milk tooth prefer moist rations," he says.

7. Dogs cannot eat some fruits, such as grapes.

TRUTH. Mariana explains that dogs and cats should not eat some fruits because they have toxic effects on the body of animals, such as grapes and star fruit.

8. Cats can have a vegetarian diet.

TRUTH. "Although they are essentially carnivorous animals, they can live well on a vegetarian diet, as long as they are balanced and according to their daily needs," explains Mariana.

9. It is not safe to give chicken bones to dogs and cats.

TRUTH. "Chicken bones break easily, becoming sharp and dangerous, causing choking and perforation," says Mariana.

10Giving raw meat to dogs and cats can bring disease to the pets.

TRUTH. This is a risk, according to Mariana veterinarian, as long as the meat is contaminated with bacteria and / or parasites.

11. A dog and a cat will never get along.

MYTH. ?This is not true! Are there dogs and cats that live together and are inseparable ?, highlights the veterinarian Fernandes.

Giovana recalls that the degree of friendship between these species varies individually. "A cat may not like several dogs, but they really like one in particular, for example," he says.

12. Dog and cat food should not be mixed.

TRUTH. Dog and cat diets have different nutritional needs, and rations are specific to each of those needs. For example, taurine must be present in the diet of cats, but is not recommended for dogs ?, exemplifies Mariana.

13. Cats may have their teeth brushed with normal toothpaste.

MYTH. According to Mariana, normal toothpaste should not be used for cats because it contains too much fluoride (a substance that is toxic to animals). ? There are specific and safer products to perform pet cleaning ?, remembers.

14. We can wash pets with the same shampoos and soaps that we use on humans without problems.

MYTH. Mariana points out that appropriate animal products should be used, so it is possible to avoid allergic reactions. There are some differences in human formulations for those used in animals. The pH of human shampoos is generally more acidic and compatible with human scalp, which can cause skin irritation in dogs and cats. Other chemical components, such as essences, surfactants and preservatives in higher concentration, can also cause skin irritation in animals ?, explains.

15. If the dog gets loose in the yard, I don't need to take it for a walk.

MYTH. The animal being loose in the yard does not mean that it will exercise alone, says Mariana. • Walking is important to ensure exercise and also your socialization.

16. Some dog breeds do not need exercise or walking.

MYTH. All dogs need to exercise and walk, Mariana points out. It is very important for your physical and mental health. What may vary is the intensity of exercise and walking. More active breeds like Border Collie need a lot of exercise?

17. A male dog and a female will never fight.

MYTH. Fernandes explains that sometimes same-sex animals do better than animals of the opposite sex. "Each case is a case, as this is more related to the individuality of the animal," he says.

18. If two dogs that live in the same house fight once, they will probably always be surprised.

MYTH. There is no rule for that, says veterinarian Mariana. “But it is advisable, once they fight, to be careful in the next contacts. Works involved with behavioral deviations like this can help a lot in the socialization of these animals ?, he adds.

Giovana points out that knowledge of the species (and also of the races) is essential. “There is a branch in veterinary medicine that studies animal behavior, animal psychologists / psychiatrists. These professionals should be consulted before adopting any animal and in any situation where there is undesirable behavior. The sooner the better? He says.

19. There are animals that do not like children.

TRUTH. This is often the case with animals that encounter those curious children who, because they are too small or too unaware of their strength and do not know how to cuddle, squeeze, pull and pick up the animal in the wrong way, often hurting them. the. Thus, these animals associate children with pain and try to avoid them, and may show some aggression in some cases ?, explains Mariana.

20. Angry dogs need to be trained.

TRUTH. Mariana points out that they must be trained to avoid accidents. "Being evaluated by a professional who specializes in animal behavior can also help in socialization," he says.

21. It is not right to use food or snacks to train a dog.

MYTH. Animal behavior experts suggest that positive reinforcement during training be done with rewards that the animal really likes. Some are satisfied with a compliment, a walk, or a joke, but as most of the food or snack pleases, it is common to use this method. The important thing is to vary the form of reward to avoid associations and also weight gain ?, explains the veterinarian Mariana.

22. Dogs see only white and black.

MYTH. Fernandes points out that the truth is that they see fewer shades of color, but not in black and white.

23. It is good to castrate the female.

TRUTH. Especially for birth control is the best option! Currently in the large urban centers there are a large number of animals abandoned due to non-castration ?, highlights Fernandes.

24. Male should not be neutered.

MYTH. “Males can be neutered too. Is it a simpler surgery with less risk than the castration of females ?, explains Fernandes.

25. Large breed dogs live less.

TRUTH. Fernandes explains that, generally speaking, the bigger the dog, the less he lives, and vice versa.

26. The breed determines how long the dog will live.

MYTH. ? Not specifically, because longevity is individual ?, highlights the veterinarian Fernandes.

27. Breed dogs have more health problems than a mutt dog.

TRUTH. "Breedless animals are tougher than breed animals," says Fernandes.

28. Dogs eat grass or soil only when they have intestinal problems.

MYTH. "They can eat just as usual too," comments Fernandes.

29. Breed always determines the dog's behavior.

MYTH. ? Race can influence, but it is not determinant ?, Fernandes points out.

30. Breed dogs like Pit Bull and Rotweiller are always aggressive.

MYTH. Pit Bull and Rotweiller are breeds that have been genetically selected to be watchdogs and fights, but we know that the genetic component alone does not determine the aggressiveness of the animal. There are other contributing factors, such as the environment in which they live and the way they are treated by their guardians. So, not all dogs of these breeds are aggressive ?, explains the veterinarian Mariana.

31. Dogs feel love for their owners.

TRUTH. "Certainly, and demonstrate in the most pure and sincere way," comments Mariana.

32. Animals understand what their owners say.

TRUTH. Mariana explains that they understand mainly the tone of the voice and, consequently, the intention of the owner. "For example, when the owner is going to scold, the tone used is louder and stronger, and the animal recognizes that," he says.

33. Having a dog or cat at home provides expenses.

TRUTH. As cool as it is to buy or adopt a pet, you need to remember that it will be cost effective. "This is why people should think well before buying an animal," recalls Fernandes.

34. It is impossible to educate and train a cat.

MYTH. “Yes, it is possible to train cats. They have a strong personality and are more independent, so it takes a little longer to be trained and obey commands, but is it possible ?, explains the veterinarian Mariana.

35. Adopting an adult dog is risky, as he is unlikely to get used to the house and family.

MYTH. We know many happy stories of dogs that are adopted adults. Therefore, the important thing is to meet the needs of each animal, always paying close attention, care and love ?, says Mariana.

Giovana points out that the truth is that some people do not know what is the responsibility of having an animal and adopts it? "If the person does not have adequate knowledge about behavior of the species, it is advisable to make a pre-adoption consultation with a trained veterinarian," he advises.

36. It is impossible to educate and train an old dog.

MYTH. "It is possible, considering the healthy dog ​​without physical limitations," explains the veterinarian Mariana.

37. When the dog wags its tail it means that it is happy.

TRUTH. Most of the time it means happiness, according to Mariana. To do this kind of behavioral reading you need to see the animal as a whole. For example, tail-wagging and upright posture is a warning sign; but if he is more relaxed is a sign of happiness? he says.

38. Dogs and cats lick wounds to heal them, and that is enough.

MYTH. • They can lick wounds because they are bothered, and the bacteria they have in saliva can contaminate and worsen the injury. Therefore, in case of injuries, should you avoid licking and always seek a veterinarian ?, explains Mariana.

39. Cats and dogs should be vaccinated annually.

TRUTH. In the case of dogs: Octuple vaccine, rabies and flu. In the case of cats, the fourfold feline and the rage ?, explains the veterinarian Fernandes.

40. Distemper is a disease that has no cure.

MYTH. It is true that this is a serious disease, but it does not always lead to death.

? Distemper is an acute infectious disease that can have two destinations: cure or death. Unfortunately it is a disease that kills most dogs affected? Explains Fernandes.

41. The more baths a dog takes, the better.

MYTH. Mariana explains that it is not correct to give many baths, as this eliminates the natural protection of the animal's skin. Ideally a weekly to biweekly frequency, more than that can cause skin problems ?.

42. No cat likes water or a bath.

MYTH. "There are cats that like to bathe, yes, varies according to the care received from the tutors," says Mariana.

43. Cats always fall on their feet.

TRUTH. Cats fall upright because their sense of balance is very sharp, allowing them to move quickly, turning their bodies on all four legs quickly. Are your reflexes much faster than those of humans because of your vestibular system (set of inner ear organs that takes care of balance) ?, explains the veterinarian Mariana.

44. When the dog's nose is hot and dry it is because he is sick.

MYTH. It is natural for the nose to be moist and colder, Mariana explains, but it may be dry or hot for a few moments and have no other clinical signs. "You have to be aware of other symptoms and the behavior of the animal," says the veterinarian.

45. The purring of cats means they are happy.

TRUTH. “Like meowing, purring is a way for cats to show feelings. In general, cats purr when they are calm, happy and satisfied ?, says Mariana.

46. ​​Cat scratching can cause disease to humans.

TRUTH. Mariana explains that it can transmit some diseases as long as the cat is contaminated. "However, this can be avoided if, after a scratch, the person wash the area well with soap and water", clarifies.

Giovana points out that several diseases can be caused by scratching cats and dogs. Therefore it is important to keep your pet healthy. It is the habit of owners, in general, to take their animals to the vet only for annual vaccines. They rarely do routine annual or semi-annual exams, as they should. Then the risk of the animal becoming sick and transmitting disease increases. And consequently, the economy that was made in neglect turns out to be quite expensive? Says the Master in Animal Biology.

47. Pregnant women should not have cats at home.

MYTH. Fernandes explains that people think toxoplasmosis is usually transmitted by feline feces. "There is this possibility, however, most people who are affected with this disease get through eating raw or undercooked meat," he says.

Giovana points out that pregnant women should avoid contact with any animal or human being that has an infectious disease. "Keep your pets healthy by visiting your veterinarian every six months and, of course, having personal and environmental hygiene," he says.

48. When a baby is born, the house dog will probably be jealous.

TRUTH. "But the intensity of this feeling in the animal is related to the behavior of the tutor," says Fernandes.

Giovana remembers that it all depends on how the animal was prepared for the baby's arrival.

49. Animals must be sedated or tranquilized before traveling with them.

MYTH. Not necessarily. It depends on the animal's behavior, as the veterinarian Mariana explains. The best thing to do is to consult a veterinarian on the best course of action. Generally, owners medicate their animals, because with the rocking of the vehicle, they may feel sick and vomit. The tip is always to feed the pet until, at most, three hours before the trip ?, advises.

50. Cats have 7 lives.

MYTH. It is not correct to state this. But Mariana explains that cats, being braver and more agile, can more easily escape dangerous situations. In addition, the amount of? Number of lives? of cat varies by country and dominant religion. The number? 7? It has mystical significance for various cultures and religions. In Kabbalah, for example, is it one of the most powerful magic digits?

51. The best thing to do when losing a pet is to get another one.

MYTH. This is very personal and depends on how one deals with the loss. Many tutors need time to mourn, otherwise comparison will be inevitable and the suffering may be even greater ?, explains the veterinarian Mariana.

52. Anyone can report abuse to dogs and cats.

TRUTH. "Mistreatment is a crime and, therefore, anyone who witnesses a crime should go to a police district and report what was seen," says Fernandes.

53. Each human year is 7 years for an animal.

MYTH. This is just an average, as Mariana explains. There is a wide variation between different sizes of animals. Are there tables to calculate more closely?

In the table below, for example, you give an estimate of how old your dog would be if it were human. It takes into account that dogs can be divided into four sizes: small, medium, large and giant.

It is noteworthy that this is only an estimate, because each animal has its particularities and there are no totally conclusive studies in this regard.

54. Every dog ​​and cat should be identified with an identification collar (not to get lost).

TRUTH. ? In addition to the collar, it would also be VERY good if everyone were required to implant a microchip in their animals. Is this done in the US and Europe? Some people also have this awareness in Brazil. The data from this microchip can be read with a type of scanner by the veterinarian, which makes it possible to have the data of the animal and its owner whenever necessary ?, highlights Giovana.

"If the animal was kidnapped and stolen, would the microchip make it impossible for the bandit to sell the animal?" In cases of abandoned or aggressive animals that attacked people or other animals, could the perpetrator be punished ?, adds the Master in Animal Biology.

Now you have probably answered your main questions about dogs and cats. Remember that living with these animals can bring many benefits indeed. However, they also require care and, consequently, expenses. Therefore, the decision to buy or adopt a pet requires a lot of attention and awareness.

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