Which is better: running or walking?

When it comes to choosing what physical activity to practice to keep their bodies beautiful and healthy, many women are in doubt between running and walking.

In fact, both activities are ideal for those who want to lose weight. After all, they are aerobic activities, which provide significant calorie burning.

Ideally, however, it would be a mixture of the two activities, balancing the time on each one and taking advantage of each other's benefits.

However, none of these activities, not even walking, should be practiced without proper care and guidance.

Therefore, we suggest that at least when you begin you consult a physical educator to assist you in performing these physical activities.

Experts recommend alternating between walking and running while exercising. It is suggested to walk to a certain point, where you can see that the walk is getting exhausting and then the ideal is to trot. Light running, in this case, can be even less stressful than walking.

It is important not to force your body to walk too fast, as the movements can be done the wrong way, assaulting your body and causing pain that you will feel during and after practice.

Is that why it's imperative to be aware of when fast walking is starting to get uncomfortable? for example ? when you have abdominal pain.

These pains are caused by the increased production of lactic acid and they may even cause the person to give up exercise because they are usually very strong.

It is therefore recommended to walk briskly and run lightly alternating each activity every five minutes.

This way you maximize your practice time and also increase your chances of losing weight with the calorie burning that running and walking provide.

Keep in mind, however, that it is important to consult with a health care professional before venturing out without guidance as this may cost you your health.

2.7 Walking, Jogging and Running For Your Life (April 2024)

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