How Beer Can Sabotage Your Diet

Many women rigidly control eating at meals because they seek to have a firm body with beautiful curves. However, it is common for these same women to raise the banner of? Salad at lunch? they forget to count the calories of the beers taken after the end of the working day.

A 300 milliliter glass of beer averages 150 calories, which is really very little, but in the face of happy hour excitement, very few people can stop at the first glass, which increases the amount of calories gained.

According to a study prepared in 2007 by the Paulista School of Medicine and? Nanced by the National Anti-Drug Secretariat, Senad, the number of young women, aged 18 to 24, who drink alcohol? mainly beer, in recent years, has reached the same proportion of the number of men in this same age group that maintains this habit.

The study also points out that young women drink up to 88% more than older women? over 24 years old, which shows that it is not only a matter of spreading the use of this legal drug, but also of its quantitative growth.

Excess Alcohol: Right Handyman

Realizing the rising rates of alcohol in their country, teams from five Danish study centers have done research and found that one of the impacts of drinking from five glasses of beer every day during the week is increased circumference of the abdomen. This research has had such an impact on the scientific community that it was published in the International Journal of Obesity.

The Danish research seems obvious, after all, by doing the calculations, who consumes such at least a pint of beer daily? that is five times 300 milliliters of a cup, is giving the body 750 extra calories. But most serious is not the fact that these extra calories are so many that they equal the calories of a main meal, such as a breakfast, a lunch or a hearty dinner, but the reality that alcohol, in high concentration In the blood triggers the production of insulin, which, in excess, stimulates the body to store fat.

Moderate consumption and best practices

? To decrease the absorption of alcohol in the body and thus prevent the body from creating mechanisms for accumulating fat? expressed externally in the body through the fearsome "love handles", the individual should always ingest carbohydrate, protein and good fat before and during the consumption of alcohol. ", warns the nutritionist from Rio Isabella Peixoto.

Therefore, eating before and during the chop is not just a mother's advice to prevent her from getting drunk and suffering a severe hangover with headaches and nausea the next day, but a medical truth that must be obeyed to the maintenance of good health? Excess fat is known to be bad for the heart, and of physical beauty, of course.

Beer with what?

In addition to controlling the amount of beer consumed and the importance of keeping the stomach lined? Before and while drinking beer, it is important to be aware of and not fall into the trap of accompanying beer with bad-fat foods such as french fries, sausages, fried chips and yellow cheeses.

It is possible to remain beautiful and healthy while enjoying life, just know how to moderate alcohol consumption and make healthy food choices.

Guide to Keto Alcohol & Beverages (April 2024)

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