Know the advantages and disadvantages of each terrain to run

In addition to a balanced diet, the physical exercise It has become more and more common every day for the supporters of a healthier life. Many enrollments have been made in gyms in both bodybuilding and martial arts classes, but one of the cheapest and most efficient options has been to practice running.

Whether running on the treadmill or outdoors, experts confirm: Wherever this type of exercise burns a lot of calories, tones the muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness. On the other hand, the terrain where athletes, amateurs or professionals run, can influence their performance. Therefore, it is worth knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of racing terrain. Check out.

1 ? Asphalt

It is the main option for most athletes, as this surface is common in both small cities and large cities, and is the terrain of most competitions. On the other hand, asphalt is considered a hard surface where impact absorption is minimal. Therefore, variation to other terrain is essential.

2 ? Sand

Unlike asphalt, soft sand terrain has high impact absorption, which avoids the possibility of injury. In addition, running on this type of terrain provides strength and speed gain, strengthening lower limb musculature. However, because it requires a lot of effort, it is important to control the time to avoid excessive wear.

3? Grass

Like sand, grass absorbs a lot of impact, which helps to prevent injury. But you have to be aware of the holes and unevenness of the terrain so as not to fall into a trap and get hurt. Caution should be exercised on rainy days, as wet terrain can make you slip.

4? Running machine

And speaking of rainy days, often the option is to run indoors (indoors) In which case the treadmill is always the one of choice. The advantages of this race type is that you can precisely control time and caloric expenditure, and impact cushioning is considered relatively good. However, some runners consider it monotonous and coaches say that the treadmill should not be the only training alternative for competitions as the mechanics are very different from a street race.

We know this is not always possible, but it is worth remembering that varying the race groundIn addition to making exercise more enjoyable, it is essential to prevent injury, especially those related to impact cushioning. So, after choosing the race location and undergoing a medical evaluation to check your physical condition, just start your race.

Treadmill VS Outdoor Running: Which is Better? (March 2024)

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