10 Amazing Things About Being The Big Sister That Help You In Your Life

You were the absolute princess of the house, all the toys were yours and your parents were always available to you? until a tiny little girl arrived who just cried and caused a turnaround in her life.

The arrival of a younger sister or brother has a big impact on any older child, and this change can be difficult when you don't quite understand why you were? suddenly. However, be aware that experiencing this has several benefits for your adult life, such as these 10 listed below:

1. You are more assertive

Being the first child in the house, you had to learn to do something your younger siblings never needed: face your parents alone. Whether it was because you didn't want to eat the salad or had to make a deal to win a toy, you needed to express your wishes and? Fight? against the power of your parents.

This all served as a training for you to become a more assertive person and learn how to negotiate with someone who represents an authority, such as teachers or bosses.

2. You tend to be more mature

In general, parents encourage the older child to become more independent and mature so that they can have a little more time and energy to meet the needs of the youngest. So, if you are the older sister, is it possible that you have matured earlier? especially if you helped take care of your brothers in some way.

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3. Do you feel responsible for your parents?

Older siblings tend to have a greater sense of responsibility, are more empathetic, and can more easily see when parents are having difficulty.

The result is that the older son or daughter is often more present in the life of parents after adulthood because he feels that he is responsible for helping them in this new stage.

4. Do you feel responsible for everyone, actually

Your sense of responsibility and empathy for your parents is often extended to your close friends too, so they know they can count on you. After all, it's part of the older brothers' personality to want to? Fix? The things around you.

5. Do you know how to share

Being the big sister, did you spend a good time being the sole focus of your parents' love and attention? until a new baby arrived and you had to learn to share the toys, the care, and even the time of those that once seemed to exist only for you.

This may have been suffered at the time, but it has taught you to share and deal with the fact that not all your desires will be fulfilled when you want. Likewise, you have also learned to be more versatile because you have had a great? Workout? of adapting to a new family situation.

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6. Are you a little longer?

This is not to say that you are rude, but that being your older sister probably made you tougher. After all, being the first daughter, you ended up being a? Lab? so your parents could learn to care for a child? and it is only natural that they made mistakes in this process. But don't blame them: you survived and became stronger.

7. You have your best developed emotional side

Even if family dynamics change with the arrival of the second baby, is the oldest child still the only child who has received full-time parental attention? and it's not like this attention ceases completely after a little brother arrives, right?

So if you had the opportunity to grow up in a harmonious home, is that extra time? What you have had with your parents is reflected in the emotional and social benefits you carry to this day. As a result, you are more self-confident and tend to seek more mature relationships.

8. You have higher expectations for yourself

If you have a list of goals you want to achieve, this may be related to your being the big sister.

This is because you lived directly with the adults, without having the intermediate model of a brother who, although older, was still a child. So when you compare yourself with adults, you expected more from yourself early on.

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9. You have a greater problem solving ability.

When you're the big sister, it's natural that everyone around you expects you to know more than your siblings, and that explains why you grew up with a good problem solving ability.

In addition, the older child often develops more management skills, as he learns early on the need to divide time, toys and tasks.

10. You're more independent

There wasn't always a kid around to play with you, so did you learn to play by yourself? and even after the birth of her younger brother, it was no fun playing with a crying baby.

As a result, you have become more independent and able to meet your own needs. That way, you don't feel that much need to have a partner, since from a young age you got used to? Turning around? alone.

Will every older sister or brother be like this?

The human personality is a very complex matter, so it would be impossible for all older brothers to develop the same psychological characteristics. These traits we present above are trends, so don't be surprised if you don't recognize yourself in all of them.

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After all, even though the birth order in a family is a major influence, we are also shaped by our own individual experiences during life, which makes us unique beings.


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