Menstruation in pregnancy: see if it's possible and ask your main questions

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The possibility of being pregnant even when menstruating is something that brings doubt to many women. Bleeding sometimes occurs that can easily be mistaken for menstruation.

But is menstruation really possible in pregnancy? We sought out Gynecologist Mariana Sirimarco (CRM? MG 51700), who answered many questions on the subject. Keep up with us!

Content Index:

  • Is menstruation in pregnancy possible?
  • How to differentiate bleeding from menstruation with that of nesting?
  • What can be bleeding in pregnancy?
  • More questions answered

Is menstruation in pregnancy possible?

No, it is not possible. This is because menstruation is nothing more than the consequence of the absence of fertilization. What can happen is nesting bleeding, which occurs when you are digging a space in the womb to settle.
Nesting occurs about 5 days after fertilization. On the other hand, the nesting bleed can last for up to 3 days, and usually happens and ends on the same day.

Therefore, bleeding is possible for other causes, but it never means menstruation.

How to differentiate bleeding from menstruation with that of nesting?

Nesting bleeding has a reddish or bright red appearance, unlike menstrual bleeding, which is a compromise between the two. It will always appear in small quantities, like a sludge or a fillet.

So if a coffee grounds-like bleed appears on your panties a few days after sexual intercourse, be aware that nesting may be occurring.

What can be bleeding in pregnancy?

In addition to nesting, menstruation bleeding may occur due to several other issues. Are they:

  • Low Progesterone: Progesterone is the hormone responsible for keeping the walls of the uterus developing. Should levels of this hormone drop sharply, the endometrium may be eliminated, causing an abortion.
  • Hormonal Changes: In pregnancy, hormones change. Estrogen and progesterone, the two predominant hormones in pregnant women, decrease and increase, respectively. There is also the emergence of other hormones, such as beta-HCG and prolactin.
  • Lesions or sores in the vagina or uterus: These wounds are caused by many factors, ranging from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to hormonal influences. May cause bleeding that reports chronic local inflammation.
  • Abortion: It is a pregnancy terminated for the first 20 weeks. If it occurs before pregnancy is discovered and at the same time that menstruation is expected, it may be confused with menstrual bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: It occurs when the fertilized egg implants somewhere outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes.

Be alert! Any changes that the body presents should be reviewed by a trusted physician.

More questions answered

Gynecologist Mariana Sirimarco answered some questions about menstruation in pregnancy. Come on!

1. Can a little dark period be pregnancy? Menstruation is an event that occurs if pregnancy has not happened! Little and dark blood may be the beginning of menstruation. If it happens in pregnancy, it is a threat of miscarriage.

2. Is it possible to menstruate in the first month of pregnancy? After the implanted pregnancy, no longer menstruate.

3. My period did not stop. Can I be pregnant? If it's your period, you're not pregnant!

4. Is menstrual delay followed by bleeding pregnancy? Only the positive pregnancy test can say that. It may be just a menstrual delay or it may be a threat of miscarriage.

5. Swollen breasts but no menstrual delay can be pregnancy? The breasts may also swell in the premenstrual period. Without delay, you don't think about pregnancy.

If any questions have not been properly answered, be sure to consult your gynecologist. In general, it is not uncommon for women to bleed during pregnancy, but this should always be analyzed by the provider who is following the pregnant woman.

The menstrual cycle (March 2024)

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