20 habits you must eliminate from your life before 30

Concerns about college, career, relationships, family, politics. It is so much, and all at the same time, that by the time you realize it is past your mid-twenties and is getting closer and closer to thirty.

Are you on this countdown to the thirties?

For know that there are a number of things you can stop doing today to reach that age with everything on top.

We have prepared a list of 20 habits to quit immediately. These are tips that will help you improve your health, your beauty and even the way you look at life.

If 30 is the new 20, you will get to this stage better than ever.

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1. Spend all your money on clothes or shoes

We know that it is not easy to resist a good settlement to the news that appears in store windows and magazine pages. However, over time you need to learn to pay more attention to needs that go far beyond clothing and shoes. It is never too early to start thinking about your financial education.

2. Put your face aside

Sleep without taking off your makeup, use any cheap foundation on your face, don't moisturize daily? Friend, stop it now. Wash your face with specific products, do not squeeze any pimples that appear, go to a dermatologist if you notice strange spots. Better late than never!

3. Forget ironing sunscreen

Still about skin care, exposing yourself in the sun without protection is a very serious mistake. Sunscreen on the face is essential even in everyday life, not just when you lie on the shore. Sun exposure contributes to skin aging and can even cause cancer. Better to prevent.

4. Not paying attention to your family

You may be completely focused on your career or a new relationship, but don't put your family in the background. Stop making excuses. Appear in the family group on WhastApp, call your grandma, meet cousins. Family is important, yes!

5. Feel guilty for being successful

You study, try to stay up to date, do your best at work, listen to your superiors, and improve from those feedbacks. Going up the career path is a source of pride. Do not feel guilty about earning a good salary and having a prominent position. You ran back to get here.

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6. Do not save money

As successful as you are, that doesn't mean you have to spend absolutely everything you earn. It is very important to save part of your monthly salary either to have a future reserve or to make some dream come true.

7. Forget about flossing

In the daily rush do you end up brushing your teeth quickly and forgetting about flossing? Do not do that again. Flossing daily eliminates plaque and is good for oral health.

8. Not taking care of food

Eating pizza and chocolate is delicious, but your body also needs nutrients to stay strong, healthy and active. If going to a dietitian is not in your plans, start by making healthier choices daily, putting more fruits and vegetables in your diet, for example.

9. Smoking

Do we really need to explain how harmful the cigarette is? You must already be bald to know. Stop right now when you're 18, 26 or 50 years old.

10. Wasting Time in a Wrong Relationship

If you feel that your dating only puts you down, it's time to rethink that relationship. Do not have an average relationship for fear of being alone. Babe, you deserve more.

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11. Stop Doing What You Love

Sing, dance, embroider, paint, make cupcakes. Whatever activity you love, find a way to start doing it more often without thinking about what others will say.

12. All the time fiddling with the phone

Life is passing in front of you. Will you be watching everything through the phone screen? Reduce the time you spend on social networks and go after real experiences. And don't even think about fiddling with your phone for lunch and dinner. Nothing more inelegant.

13. Send Drunk Messages

After drunkenness passes, does the famous regret come?

14. Being sedentary

You do not need to run a marathon or lift heavy weights. If you hate going to the gym, find some activity that gives you pleasure: humming, ballet, jogging, 30 minutes of exercise daily will make a lot of difference in the long run.

15Complaining of age

Stop thinking that life will end when you turn thirty. Nowadays people live many years? 80, 90, 100. If you stop to think, it's right at the beginning of your journey.

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16. Caring What Others Think

One thing is certain: human beings worry too much about what others think. Know that taking this worry out of your life is liberating. Living your life according to what others think may not be your goal. Call me? and go ahead!

17. Say yes to things you don't want

It is high time for you to take control of your life. Not in the mood to do something? Say no! Do you have the right to reject things? and not feel bad about it.

18. Never go to the doctor

Dentist, gynecologist, dermatologist. How long have you not been to one of these offices? Be sure to check back each year to see if your health is up to date.

19. Fight with your brothers for silly things

Maintaining a good relationship with siblings is not always easy. It is even normal that some fights occur from time to time. However, do not let this become routine. Few relationships are as strong as those between siblings. Valorize!

20. Stop living life

Yes, the best is yet to come. If you play!

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