12 Things Only Anxious People Understand

Do you consider yourself an anxious person? If so, you are likely to go through situations that other people don't seem to understand very well. Do you try not to think about it? and have some tea passing? They are frequent advice, but in practice they do little to keep anxiety going.

In everyday life we ​​call anxiety the feelings attributed to something that is going to happen, to social relationships and even to a specific way of acting. But when these feelings are detrimental and very constant, is it a sign that a person may suffer from anxiety? an emotional disorder.

The anxiety that causes some disorder is the anxiety you suffer in advance, these are committed by the various problems experienced. Lack of jobs, money, friends, a failed relationship, worries, tensions, going on feeling that nothing will work out, worries in excess, lack of emotional control, among others. All negative experiences are defined on this scale and can result in anxiety disorder ?, explains psychologist Letícia Guedes of the Vivencialle clinic.

Anxiety sufferers may have emotional symptoms that often manifest themselves, are influenced by everyday events, and directly interfere with life, hindering common activities or leaving psychological consequences.

The person who is suffering from anxiety may be experiencing various disorders such as affliction, anguish, uncertainty, fear, among others that are diseases related to body functioning and life experiences. The busy life, lack of time for leisure, family, friends and the various attributions related to lack of money and marital problems also help to make these disorders worse ?, points the psychologist.

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Leticia recommends seeking psychological help to those suffering from anxiety. ? You need to understand the disorders and especially how it acts. An early and accurate diagnosis of anxiety, combined with a long-term treatment are essential for better results and less damage ?, he says.

In addition, the expert tells of changing habits and the help of friends and family are also indispensable allies in the fight against the disorder. So do not hesitate to seek help, whether professional or close to you.

12 Things Only Anxious People Understand

Anyone who experiences normal everyday feelings of anxiety knows that some actions and situations are typical of those who are anxious. Check out some of these occasions!

1. Analyze everything from every angle

Everything seems to have a secret meaning, and you need to find out what it is. This makes every thing that happens, however small its effect on your life, be carefully analyzed in every possible way.

This causes huge lists of pros and cons to automatically form in your head at various times, or to mentally replay a conversation you have had with someone else and try to find out if something has been missed. It is the famous overthinking, who insists on not leaving you.

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2. Question every decision

It doesn't matter if it was the choice of profession or the restaurant order: the anxious person will think and rethink every aspect of the decision and wonder what might happen if they had made a different choice. Even considering the options carefully before choosing. And time matters little, the hassle of decision making can persist for years.

3. Unable to shut down

Anxiety makes your brain always active and it can be quite difficult to disconnect from it and set aside your unremitting thoughts and worries. This means that in your head there is always a parallel universe in which many things are happening and it can be tricky to focus on other activities. The impossibility of? Stop thinking? It can also lead to the dreaded sleepless nights.

4. Every commitment raises concern

Routine appointments at your doctor, appointment at the salon, job interview, a friend's birthday party? Regardless of the type of activity scheduled, worry arises and doubts begin to appear in your head. Will everything go well with the exam? What if I don't like the new haircut? Got a chance at this job? Will I have fun at this party?

This is the most present point in the anxious person's life: the feeling of wanting an event to come soon, the curiosity about how things will be, the desire to think and rethink each preparation.

5. Lose patience on long trips

It's very natural to get excited about a trip and want to get to your destination right away or, in the end, get back home soon.But for the anxious, the road can be a great torture. The roads seem too long, the impression is that the plane will never land and the waits at bus and airport terminals are endless! Not to mention all the preparations and the days before the trip, also marked by anxiety.

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6. Hating unforeseen events

While any advance event can make the anxious person agitated thinking about the possibilities until the date arrives, an unforeseen event is not easily overlooked either. That's because when things come up at the last minute and take us by surprise, it's more natural to be nervous about events.

All the anxiety that would be present over the preceding several days appears at once, and the anxious brain can still seize the moment to recall decisions in the future, generating questions and analysis about how the person handled the unforeseen.

7. Always want immediate answers

Anxious people hate any waiting, so the desire for immediate answers is frequent. After all, the faster you know the answer to something, the less you need to think about it, right? Delaying emails, contest results, and guests who do not immediately confirm party attendance are some of the eager enemies.

8. It's hard to seize the moment

Past and future are constantly trying to divert their concentration from the present. Everyone in your class was still playing house, and you were already worrying about your college course, your college entrance exam, the difficulties of getting your first job.

The anxious person is always thinking about what is yet to come or thinking about situations that have already happened, and this distracts from what is happening at the moment.

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9. Relationships are more complicated

Can anxiety sometimes make relationships with others difficult? and not just romantic relationships, but also friendship or work relationships. Feeling uncomfortable in social interactions, especially with people you don't know yet, can be a reason. In addition, there is a chance that too much analysis and mental rehearsal of conversations will become obstacles in the time of interaction.

But, this is not a rule! Eager can be very good at social relationships, love affairs, or casual conversations with strangers, even though they tend to worry more.

10. To think that everyone is looking at you

By having this worrying and overthinking trait, the anxious can enter a room full of distracted people and still have the feeling that everyone is looking at him. And it has nothing to do with wanting to be the center of attention, but with the questioning of what the reaction of others towards him.

11. Enjoy making lists

Want a better way to make sure you don't forget anything? The anxious person makes a shopping list, a list of things to do in a day, a party or trip preparation list, a Christmas gift list. In addition to helping each item be thought through and rethought, lists help pass the time of waiting.

12. Changes Make You Alert

Major changes in life cause anxiety to surface. It can be a change of city, a job, a marriage, a pregnancy. Anything that changes the routine is the trigger to make the anxious alert, curious, worried, thoughtful.

If your anxiety is greater than what you think is common or is beginning to interfere too much and negatively in your life, it is worth highlighting the need to seek help and support from both close people and a professional.

• Anxiety sufferers do not always realize they have the disorder, people around may initially help by informing the person about the problem; therefore, assistance with a specialist is also required. Anxiety can cause other disorders, directly affecting the mental and body health of the individual ?, concludes Letícia Guedes.

Problems Only Anxious People Understand (April 2024)

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