9 Tips To Turn Off The Gains That Make Weight Gain Easier

Currently, there is a growing concern on the part of the population to follow good eating habits, thus ensuring, besides a leaner body, more health and quality of life.

But is it also true that many people still find it difficult to follow healthy lifestyle habits in their daily lives, whether it is about eating or physical activity? Probably why there are still a significant number of men and women suffering from the problems caused by obesity or even overweight? which, of course, go far beyond the aesthetic issue.

But why is it difficult for most people who need to lose weight to achieve this goal? For many people this is a big question, difficult, even, to be answered?

After all, what you hear out there is that, to lose weight, there is not much secret: just follow a low-calorie diet and increase caloric expenditure through physical activity ?. Sounds easy, right?

However, it is a fact that some people have a harder time losing weight; while others, however much they eat, do not tend to gain weight easily. Because? Usually the answer you hear out there is that "it's the fault of genetics." But does that really make sense?

Below do you give the answer to this question and tips on how a person who believes they have trouble losing weight can? with simple attitudes? speed up your metabolism and achieve good results in a weight loss process.

The Relationship Between Genetics And Weight Gain

Márcio Mancini, endocrinologist member of SBEM-SP (Regional São Paulo of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology) and head of the Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Group of the Discipline of Endocrinology and Metabology of the Clinical Hospital of the School of Medicine of USP, explains that numerous Genetic, environmental and behavioral factors influence the components of energy balance and, consequently, the increase in body fat.

With the exception of rare cases of monogenic obesity, common obesity is considered a polygenic disease (produced by the combination of multiple environmental factors and mutations in various genes). The worldwide epidemic we are talking about is mainly a result of changes in the environment, ie increased consumption of high calorie foods coupled with decreased caloric expenditure by the physical activity of the general population?

"On the other hand, it is known that there are indeed highly susceptible individuals and others highly resistant to weight gain," adds endocrinologist Mancini.

But if the question is, is it genetics' fault? perhaps the most correct answer is not so much.

To better understand this information, a good way is to think about the changes in habits that society has been constantly undergoing for years. We humans must remember our origins. "Who trained us?" "What did they eat?" Is that in the paleolithic era, for example, there was such a high consumption of sugars, refined carbohydrates and chemical food additives?

The large number of obese people or those with physiological imbalances that exist today show the harms that this new eating habit generates in human organs. Therefore, those who seek more quality of life, a more beautiful body and, above all, health, have no other way than to follow a good diet.

It is worth noting that genetics represents only 10% to 15% of what a person is, leaving 85% to 90% of responsibility for their daily habits. Therefore, it is much more expressive to have a proper routine than to rely on genetics to justify what one does not accept in oneself.

I have trouble losing weight. What to do?

So can people who have a hard time losing weight, through good habits, speed up their metabolism, achieving good results (in weight loss)?

Yes. Márcio Mancini explains that obesity is due to a chronic energy imbalance, in an organism prepared more for situations of caloric deprivation than nutrient abundance. ? As explained, it is a result of increased consumption of high calorie foods coupled with decreased caloric expenditure by physical activity in genetically susceptible individuals. To reverse the situation, one should reduce the intake of these caloric foods and increase the caloric expenditure with physical activity ?, highlights.

With all of this in mind, here are some tips on how to get better results in your weight loss process, especially by turning off your fat genes. ? that is, leaving aside the fixed idea that your weight is solely related to the genetic issue and that you are unable to do anything to reverse this picture.

It is noteworthy, however, that there are cases in which a hormonal disorder or the use of medications can cause bloating and weight gain. In such cases, there should be medical follow-up in collaboration with a nutritionist and physical educator so that the effects of these problems are mitigated through resources such as healthy menu and physical activity.

9 ways to bypass the genes that influence weight

1. Mentalize? I want, so I can lose weight !?

The first step is all about how you think and see yourself. It is not because most people in your family are overweight that you are doomed to be overweight.

There is no point in saying to everyone, "I don't diet because I really have a tendency to get fat." My whole family is overweight and I won't be the only one who can lose weight.

The key is that you feel good, but of course, while also worrying about your health. So having a few extra pounds shouldn't be viewed as a big problem for you, but if that bothers you, don't you make excuses? to keep moving forward: be focused and believe that by following a healthy diet and practicing physical activities, you will be able to reach your goal of losing weight!

2. Follow healthy eating

Although this is nothing new, it is probably the most important guidance!

"Roughly speaking, it can be said that reducing foods high in sugar and fat, as well as increasing the consumption of foods high in fiber (such as fruits and vegetables)," says endocrinologist Márcio Mancini.

3. Practice physical activities

As the endocrinologist Mancini has already pointed out, those who want to lose weight, in addition to reducing their caloric food intake, must increase their caloric expenditure on physical activity.

The doctor adds that both aerobic and resistance activities are important in this process.

4. Reduce physical inactivity

Mancini adds that, in parallel with the reduction in caloric food consumption and the increase in caloric expenditure through physical activities, it is important to reduce physical inactivity. That is, screen activities such as television, computer, tablet, video game, etc.

5. Eat every three hours

It is worth noting that eating every three hours keeps the metabolism active. This is because the body will thus avoid? Saving? calories to exercise your daily activities, because? understand? that food will always arrive for energy production.

6. Be more active

The tip does not only refer to physical activity, but suggests that you be more active all the time in your daily life. Need to go to the bakery ?! Go on foot! Are you going to the gym? Enjoy and go, if possible, on foot or by bike. In buildings, avoid the elevators and climb the stairs.

7. Do not drink alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are supernegative for those who want to speed up their metabolism and consequently lose weight.

It is no use following the diet strictly during the week and then overdoing the drinks on Saturday and Sunday and finally placing all the blame on? Genetics ?!

8. Call a friend to work out with you

Are you often too lazy to go to the gym? Invite a friend to work out at the same time as you! Having a company gives you more motivation and physical activity is no longer a simple obligation. in your routine.

9. Count on professional guidance

All of the above tips will make sure you don't forget that it is possible to reverse the situation: if you want to lose a few pounds, go ahead, know that you can! It's not genetics that will stop you!

But of course, it is critical that the entire weight loss process be guided by a nutritionist and / or physician. As well as physical activities are accompanied by a physical education professional for best results.

Thus, it is clear that with simple tips and good guidelines it is possible to "turn off your fat genes", speeding up your metabolism and consequently achieving good weight loss results.

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