10 Annoying Questions Husbands Ask

If you are married, you know how much men are dependent on women. Psychology states that, in fact, they see their wives as they do their parents: people who are there to provide whatever needs they may have at home. The tendency, therefore, is for your husband to be unaware of most things indoors, and it is up to you to answer at least ten annoying questions that they keep repeating.

1 ? Where do you keep the toilet paper?

There is no reasonable answer to such a question. If your husband is a human being, it means he goes to the bathroom often. If you have been living in the same house for a month, for a reasonable period of time, how has he not yet learned where the toilet paper is? What's worse is that they keep asking that question even though you live in exactly the same place all your life.

2 ? Are there any snacks in the cupboard?

Okay, maybe the woman is shopping, but it costs nothing to get off the couch and check before you ask. It would save you the sting you feel right in the middle of your brain every time he asks.

3? Can you change the baby's diaper? Last time it was me.

Yes. The wife can always change the baby's diaper as long as the husband has a nice justification for making this request. The point is that usually he doesn't have it, he just needs you to change his diaper so as not to disturb the match he is watching on television.

4? Can I switch to the game?

Speaking of matches, they love asking to change channels when you're watching your favorite show. Apparently, by the way, the times of all the matches in the world coincide with those of your favorite program. Not to mention that endless channel swapping that just isn't annoying anymore because you usually get up off the couch and do something else.

5? Where is my glasses?

This question has numerous variations. Where is my slipper Where is my shirt and? Where are the car keys? These are just some of them. Men are unable to remember where they left anything and, for some unknown reason, expect you to guess.

6? I have another closed deodorant?

Fortunately, deodorants don't end every day. Otherwise, wives from all over the world would have gone mad. Who knows why, they don't buy deodorant and they believe you'll do it instead.

7? Are you going to use this?

Come on: men, in general, do not understand fashion very much. So why do they insist on giving their opinion on the way we dress? If we wear it, there is a 99% chance that we intend to wear it.

8? Need help with the dishes?

Another question with variations. It can be with the dishes, with the clothes, with the cleaning of the house. First: Of course we need help. Second, does it cost to ask this when I am starting to do the task rather than when I am storing the cleaners back in the closet?

9? Do I really need to go with you?

Well, we understand the masculine need to stay protected in the coziness of the home, but they ask that question without the slightest moderation. The event could be his (his) brother's wedding, his (her) mother's birthday, or both of you 's silver wedding celebration. So when your husband asks you that, don't even ponder: The answer is invariably yes.

10? You are sleeping?

It's seven o'clock on a Sunday morning. You are lying with your eyes closed and wearing pajamas, but your husband insists on checking to see if you are really sleeping or just pretending to be dead. An addendum: This question is usually followed by any other question like? or? where is it ?? from the above.

Sure, your husband can sometimes be (like any other) repetitive and annoying, but tell the truth: you can't imagine yourself without his annoyances. And if your partner is not like that and does not ask these questions, consider yourself a lucky woman.

Have your say: What are the most annoying questions men ask? Leave the answer in the comments.

10 Annoying Things Boyfriends Do (April 2024)

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