6 Things To Do On Sundays That Will Improve Your Week

Waking up on Monday with a lot of disposition for the coming week, with everything organized, without delays and in a good mood, for many is a utopia.

Does it feel like a weekend doesn't seem to be enough to rest and do everything that needs to be done? and maybe not. But there are some ways to change that.

Here are six tips to do on Sundays and make your Mondays lighter and the other days much easier.

1. View your calendar

Will you have meetings? Did you have lunch with a friend? Any trips? Need to cancel any appointment? Look carefully at everything you have scheduled for the next few days. And try to remember what the task list is missing. Does this weekly review make you feel better prepared to handle it? and remember to include some pleasurable moments too, such as a dinner, a wine night, a walk with the dog? Planning is possible to do everything and still have some fun.

2. Eat meals for the week

Enjoy cooking the meals of the week and freezing them in small portions. Not only does this help you eat healthy throughout the week, it also saves you time by eliminating the worry of figuring out what to eat at night after a long day, or having to go to the market to buy something missing.

Also read: 5 Attitudes for More Energy

3. Organize the mess

It is not cleaning. But take care of little things that will leave the house? It's your life ? more organized. Clean the kitchen counter, clean the bathroom mirror, fold the blankets on the couch, throw away the accumulated receipts in your purse, and so on. Where you notice a mess, tidy up until it looks presentable. Nothing is worse than getting out of bed Monday morning and bumping into the clutter that gives you the feeling that there is a lot to do and stress.

4. Make a list for Monday

Think about the tasks of your job and where to start. Answering the emails? Making a schedule? Sending text messages? Checking files? Put it all on a list, and the next day, when you get to work, you'll save time and prioritize what really needs to be prioritized, making the week more efficient.

5. Go to bed early

This allows you to wake up fully rested on Monday, without the feeling that you haven't slept enough. Turn off your phone, turn off the lights, put on clean bedding, and lie down at least an hour before, to relax until you really fall asleep. Your body and mind will thank you, and the next day when the alarm clock rings, you will be able to get up more willingly.

6. Relax

Take time to do the things mentioned above? maybe even on saturday? and leave some time for you. Watch a movie, read a book, find friends, take a hot shower, eat something healthy, take care of your skin? Anything that is pleasurable and helps you start the lighter week.

These small attitudes, especially when they become frequent habits, will help to have a more productive Monday. Because starting the stressed week is no good.

Read also: How meditation can help your career

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