7 habits that hurt your heart

How is the health of your heart? Most of us women worry a lot about other diseases and end up neglecting heart problems. Without many symptoms, heart disease is the third leading cause of death for people between 30 and 50 years in Brazil.

Some risk factors for the development of diseases that affect your heart are already related to lifestyle. Bad habits that day after day end up causing serious problems? but that could be avoided with a little attention and care.

Below are the 7 habits you should avoid to take better care of your breast friend.

1. Smoking

That cigarette contains hundreds of toxic and extremely harmful substances, you already know. But you may not yet know that it is responsible for approximately 30% of heart disease-related deaths and is a high risk factor for certain cancers.

So if you want your heart well, stay away from the cigarette.

2. Weightlessness

It is not just an aesthetic issue. Excess weight overloads not only the heart, but the entire circulatory system (which increases blood pressure). According to Dr. Fernando Costa, a lecturer at the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, waist circumference is an important factor for heart disease, as the fatty tissue that accumulates in the belly causes cholesterol to rise.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a strong ally in the fight against cardiovascular disease, even when there is a genetic tendency.

3. Overdoing on salt

Salt is important to the body, but overconsumption has made experts consider it a villain on the list of harmful spices. The reason is simple: Excess salt causes hypertension, increasing the possibility of a heart attack or stroke.

The recommendation is to avoid processed foods (high in sodium) and think twice before adding a few more pinches of salt to the chips or popcorn.

4. Do not practice exercises

Believe me, physical inactivity is also classified as a disease and is affecting more and more people. Escape this enemy from the healthy heart and practice exercises!

And it is important to remember that when we talk about physical exercises, they are not necessarily related only to sports. Can physical activities be part of your daily life simply? walks to work, swap the elevator for the stairs, pedal? The possibilities are numerous.

5. Consume alcoholic beverages (exaggerated)

Having a drink from time to time will not hurt your heart, especially if you consume wine (whose health benefits are recognized by doctors).

But if you drink alcohol regularly, your heart can feel the long-term consequences. In addition to affecting the liver, excess alcohol in the body increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease.

Therefore, do not overdo the dose!

6. Sleeping badly

Lack of sleep impairs the health of our heart without showing symptoms. Chronic cases of insomnia can raise blood pressure because it is as if the heart never goes to rest. And remembering, hypertension is a risk factor for stroke or heart failure.

To keep your heart healthy, don't deprive yourself of a good night's sleep. If you often experience insomnia, seek medical attention.

7. Neglecting Emotions

It is no secret that negative emotions affect heart health. Anxiety, stress and depression can have less impact on your health if you can manage your emotions.

People who are very agitated or overworked are susceptible to heart attacks. The best medicine for the heart is to have fun. Have a nice life to live. Smile, do the things you like, play. This is important for your heart., Recommends doctor Fernando Costa.

Is that you? What have you been doing to take care of your heart?

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