How to schedule a vacation trip

To have an unforgettable vacation trip, one thing can not miss: the planning. With it, you can enjoy more, spend less and get rid of potential hassles. Check out these tips and start planning your next trip.

Set the destination

The first step is to define the purpose of the trip. Do you want to rest or enjoy? Are you going with friends, family or two? Prefer beach or mountain? This is the first point to make when planning a trip, and it prevents a person who wants to bustle to end up on a quiet beach, or in a city with no nightlife, for example.

Plan yourself financially

Deciding to travel overnight may even be interesting, but what good is it to enjoy and return from the trip with the burden of accumulated debt? If you plan and save a pre-determined amount, however small, when the time comes to travel, you can count on this savings to negotiate package rates, get cash discounts or even spend free time on tours, shopping and shopping. Gifts

Set the date

Choosing the date of travel well is essential. If you want to find milder temperatures when traveling abroad, for example, the best times are spring and fall. Holiday travel is usually in high season, when travel, airfare, lodging and tour package prices are highest.

In low season, prices can fall by up to 50% in some cases, which may be more attractive, especially for those who travel with the whole family. Depending on where you choose, even the lines of attractions are shorter, allowing everyone to enjoy more.

Advance is also an important factor, as it can help you find lower prices and also split the trip more often, so that by the time you have already paid the main expenses.

Choose the mode of transport

By car, bus or plane? It all depends on the destination, the profile and the amount of people. The plane has the advantage of being faster, more comfortable, and for distant destinations is the best option, but depending on the location can be more expensive and bureaucratic, as in the case of baggage allowance. By buying in advance, you can get cheaper tickets, and there are also weekend deals that are well below normal. Another option to save on your ticket is miles earned on loyalty programs to pay less and even travel for free.

For those who like to enjoy the landscapes along the road, and chose closer destinations, travel by car and bus are the best options. For car travel, a thorough overhaul is essential to ensure that the car is in a fit condition, with documentation up to date, preventing the dream vacation from turning into a nightmare. By bus it is necessary to be aware of the amount of travel hours, as unlike traveling by car, which you can stop whenever you want, bus stops are limited. In either case, bringing a hand kit with water, fruit, and some goodies in case you starve before stopping places can be an economical option.

Anyone considering renting a car while on holiday should be aware of the laws of the country for foreign travel and the rental agreement, which should also be checked for domestic travel.

Schedule the trip by checking all necessary documents, passport validity, visa requirements and specific vaccinations required at some destinations. Before leaving home, check all traveler's documents.

Define the script

Knowing the destination, the travel company and the transportation used, you can start planning the route. For this, always keep in mind the amount of days available. It is no use creating a itinerary with visits to 10 different cities over a period of 10 days, for example. That would mean that in the end you did not enjoy any. Always consider the time you spend at airports, roads, roads, transfers and, of course, your sleeping hours, as rest is also needed to enjoy.

For destinations with many choices of places to visit, set longer periods. See also the main sights of each place to not miss anything important. Search and ask for feedback from friends who've been to the site to choose the best attractions, hotels and restaurants.

Attention to children

Those traveling with children should be very careful when planning the trip. From the chosen transportation to the itinerary, the possibility of taking the children should be taken into account.Lap babies on air travel, for example, need a special seat and you should check in advance with the airline whether or not to pay and the availability of special seats. By car, do not give up the seat according to the age stipulated by law to avoid accidents and even fines.

In choosing the hotel, check the possibility of providing cribs and check the schedule of the tours not to bore the children, after all, they also deserve to enjoy.

If the travel time is too long, be sure to bring toys, games and snacks to distract the little ones, who are often anxious and impatient during the trip.

Watch out for the hype

All excess is detrimental, and when it comes to travel, exaggeration takes on an even more serious meaning. When choosing what to eat, especially if you are in contact with a local cuisine, which you are not used to, go carefully. Some dishes like seafood can cause infections and allergies in susceptible people. Different spice can also cause some people to feel unwell.

Avoid exaggerating sun exposure, especially during times of high sunlight and under no circumstances neglect your sunscreen and that of children.

Shopping while traveling can be a delight, but try not to overdo it so that when you return to normal routine, you can remember the trip with joy and not with sadness and regret when checking your credit card bill.

Have a good time

By following these planning guidelines, and by taking simple precautions, you can be more relaxed to enjoy the trip. Of course, unforeseen events can always happen, but by eliminating the most likely risks, you already save yourself from countless setbacks and time to enjoy. After that, just hit the road and have fun.

Tenon Tours Scheduled Vacations (April 2024)

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