7 Curious Facts About Testosterone

Testosterone is known as the male sex hormone and explains typical male characteristics such as increased muscle mass, high sex drive, large amounts of body hair and thick voice. But, contrary to popular belief, it is also present in women, albeit in smaller quantities.

"Women have twenty to thirty times less testosterone than men, but this hormone is especially important for stimulating female libido and also maintaining women's muscle mass," explains Rosita Fontes, endocrinologist at Lavoisier Diagnostic Medicine.

Check out seven interesting facts about the presence of testosterone in men and women:

1. Bodybuilders need to use testosterone to get their muscles so defined.

Increasing the amount of this hormone leads women to have male characteristics, such as increased muscle mass, thickening of the voice and increased amount of body hair. "However, the use of testosterone in the form of medications can lead to liver changes and high blood pressure," warns Dr. Rosita. Therefore, the use of these supplements should not be done without medical supervision.

2. Less testosterone, and consequently less libido from 30 years

This biological fact helps explain the gradual reduction in a woman's sexual desire until menopause, when testosterone production drops even more dramatically. Hormone replacement treatments, however, are quite effective in these cases.

3. Contraceptive use decreases testosterone production

Therefore, it is common for young women taking pills to notice reduced libido, tiredness and some difficulty in losing weight. Contraceptives, which are nothing but female hormones, stimulate the liver's production of a protein called Sexual Hormone-Binding Globulin, which eventually captures free testosterones.

4. Testosterone is produced by the ovary.

As with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, the male hormone is also produced in the ovary.

5. When a woman falls in love, her testosterone levels increase.

Scientists believe that the brain takes 90 seconds to four minutes to fall in love and that during passion, testosterone production increases. The smell of a loved one and their physical characteristics stimulate this growth.

6. When a man falls in love, his testosterone levels drop.

During passion, the male hormone responsible for libido decreases. Was this a little push from nature for them to be able to build a family without looking too much at their neighbor's grass? It is a fact that not all men are like that, but in these cases, lower testosterone helps you stay focused on just one partner.

7. Felling trees leads to a 50% increase in testosterone.

Interestingly, a University of California study showed that activity directly influences male hormone levels. Women, run to the forests!

Read also: Herbs to increase libido

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