5 Tips To Attract A Man, According To Science

From the beginning, body language has had a great influence on human relations. And that is instinctive. We know many signs of other people in everyday life that make communication possible between men and women. And to attract a man, body language also has its role. Here are five gestures that attract male eyes, according to science:

  1. Smile
    Although it sounds simple, it is a powerful weapon of seduction. The smile breaks barriers, breaks heavy climates and relaxes, making the approach of the partner easier. That's because it's easier to make contact with someone who smiles, so the man feels more comfortable wanting to win the most smiling of the party. Relationship expert Pat Allen pointed out in her book that our male ancestors were attracted to women's red body parts. That's why, after generations, women who wear reddish-colored lipstick often get men's attention. The lipstick combined with the smile make the seduction even more complete!
  2. Visual contact
    Pat Allen states that eyes are important channels of communication and can convey various messages. When you look at a man for 4-5 seconds, he gains confidence in making contact, and can see your interest.
  3. Wiggle the hair and show the back of the neck
    Running your fingers through your hair and letting it fall on your lap, showing your neck, is an act of seduction that catches the attention of men.
  4. Raise your shoulders and arch your back
    In periods of partner seeking, mammal females most commonly perform this gesture, and men are equally attracted to women who do.
  5. Move away from the group
    Walking around alone and setting the group aside also helps break the ice, and break down barriers so that it can approach you more easily. In the animal world, males are also attracted to females who stray from the pack.

5 Scientific Ways To Become More Attractive To Men - Relationship Advice by Mat Boggs (February 2025)

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