Experts say contraceptive need no prescription

A group of doctors from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) said contraceptives should be found available at pharmacy counters for purchase without a prescription. They argue that with this, access to the preventive method would increase, thus avoiding unwanted pregnancies, which often end up in miscarriage or miscarriages in clandestine clinics.

Like all medicines, oral contraceptives are no different, and need attention and parsimony when taken, as misuse can lead to unwanted effects. The initiative would still require comprehensive research to prove that the drugs are safe enough to be made available to the public openly. In addition, an awareness campaign would be necessary as women need to understand the risks and not just the benefits of self-medication and which one to choose.

Researchers also point out that some health plans may disregard the drug because it is common and over-the-counter, but on the upside, more open selling would increase competition, potentially lowering prices.

What do you think of this initiative? Would it work in Brazil?

Trump OK With Women Getting Birth Control Pills Without A Prescription (May 2024)

  • Contraceptive methods
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