Does Vitiligo have a cure? Clarify this and other questions about the disease

Vitiligo is a disease characterized by the presence of achromic spots (without pigmentation) on the skin, especially on the face, hands, feet, genitals, elbows and knees. But, it is worth mentioning, the signs can also affect other areas of the body.

Such stains come from the absence or decrease of melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for the formation of melanin pigment (which gives color to the skin) in the affected places.

There are many doubts surrounding this disease that affects approximately 1% of the population. Clarify the main ones below.

Types of Vitiligo

Aneline de Lima Nogueira, dermatologist at Hospital Anchieta, points out that vitiligo is classified into: non-segmental and segmental.

Do not target: Non-segmental form is the most common. It occurs on both sides of the body. It usually starts at extremities like hands, feet, nose and mouth. Its evolution occurs in cycles throughout life, occurring periods of stability and worsening ?, explains the dermatologist.

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Target: Aneline points out that the non-segmental shape is characterized by blemishes on a body part, usually when the patient is still young.

The dermatologist also explains that the diagnosis is clinical and should be made by the dermatologist. • Sometimes Wood Light can be used to differentiate from other diseases. In some cases, skin biopsy may be helpful and reveals the total absence of melanocytes. Laboratory tests may also reveal other associated autoimmune diseases ?, he says.

Causes of Vitiligo

Aneline explains that the causes of vitiligo are not yet clearly recognized. There are some theories that try to explain the destruction of melanocytes, but none have been proven. Probably autoimmune factors are involved, he says.

It is also believed that emotional factors related to stress or trauma are related to the development or worsening of the disease.

In addition, highlights Aneline, family history is important, as 30% of patients have some relative with the disease.

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Anelise Ghideti, dermatologist at Ae Skin Center of São Paulo, an effective member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) and a collaborating physician at the Clinic of Nail Diseases in the Department of Dermatology, FMUSP Clinical Hospital, explains that, since she has a chronic course, It is not possible to predict the evolution of the disease and thus the achromic spots may, for example, remain stable for years and then develop or even regress spontaneously. The disease presents in a particular way in each patient; What reinforces the importance of an individualized treatment and with the dermatologist?

Vitiligo Symptoms

Aneline highlights as main features of the disease:

  • Initially light spots appear and these evolve with total pigment absence and centrifugal growth. The main locations are face, wrists, back of fingers, genitalia, regions of body folds, periorifices and bone eminences such as elbows. It usually affects both sides of the body.
  • Hair may also lose its pigment.
  • There may be local sensitivity, such as itching.

But it is worth stressing that, besides the spots, the main symptoms are emotional due to the disease.

Anelise comments that, in most cases, no symptoms are manifest other than depigmentation. But there are reports of sensitivity in the affected areas. The biggest concern is with the patient's emotional and self-esteem. In some cases is psychological counseling indicated ?, he says.

Is vitiligo transmissible?

The vitiligo not It is transferable. Prejudice comes from people's misconception that the disease is contagious. Being a visible disease in many cases, the patient is embarrassed by people's fear of skin diseases. This leads to a stigmatization of the disease and affects the patient's self-esteem. In some cases, social isolation and depression can occur ?, points out dermatologist Aneline.

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Treatments: Does vitiligo have a cure?

Aneline points out that vitiligo has no cure. "The goal of treatment is to prevent disease progression and repigment the spots," he explains.

Know the main treatment options in this regard:

Topical treatment: Aneline explains that there are topical options such as corticosteroids, vitamin D derivatives and Tacrolimus (calcineurin inhibitor).

Phototherapy: According to dermatologist Aneline, UVB or PUVA phototherapy promotes the stimulation of repigmentation and inhibits autoimmunity. "The Excimer laser has the potential to be targeted at an individualized injury," he adds.

Melanocyte Transplantation: Aneline explains that surgical transplantation of melanocytes is interesting in cases of segmental or stable vitiligo and whose lesions are small and small, which did not respond to other treatments.

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Repigmentation of the spots begins in the hair follicles with the formation of small islands of colored skin until the complete filling of the spot. Psychological support is essential and we must be aware of the patient's quality of life ?, says Aneline.

Living with the disease

Anelise Ghideti reinforces that vitiligo does not bring any health alterations despite the aesthetic disturbance. In this sense, some tips are important for the patient to live in the best possible way with the disease:


Aneline explains that it is very important for people with vitiligo to have information about the disease, because the lack of knowledge can bring anxiety about the evolution and how to live with the diagnosis.

Psychological counseling

Vitiligo is not a physically serious disease, as Aneline points out, but it can have important psychological consequences such as social isolation and, in some cases, depression. "So, from the moment of diagnosis, psychological counseling is of great importance," he says.

Skin care

Aneline de Lima Nogueira points out that patients should also avoid factors that traumatize the skin or cause friction, as these may precipitate the emergence of new lesions or accentuate existing ones.

The dermatologist Analyze stresses the importance of avoiding excessive sun exposure and using sunscreen.


Analysis highlights that it is important for the patient to maintain patience and reduce stress. Regardless of treatment, vitiligo improvement is time consuming and requires patience. In the case of children, it is even important that parents try to control themselves in order not to transmit their anxiety to the child, which would make treatment difficult?

You now know that vitiligo is not a serious disease, let alone communicable. Although there is no cure, there are good treatment options to prevent disease progression and repigment the blemishes. The patient should always be treated individually with the supervision of a trusted dermatologist.

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