Pee in bed? until when is it normal?

Bed wetting need not be of concern to parents if this happens to the child up to the age of five, since the full development of urination control only occurs around that age. Experts confirm that the diagnosis of enuresis, or urinary incontinence during sleep, happens if the? Escapes? nocturnal symptoms persist until the age of seven, with at least one episode of bed wetting per month.

Contrary to what most people think, bed wetting is not caused by emotional issues. The causes of the problem, which may be hereditary and more common in boys, are basically physiological and treatment can be done using appliances called a 'bedside alarm', a type of carpet with urine sensors attached to a box. alarm that helps the child learn to contract the muscles and thus control the urine; or even with the use of synthetic hormones.

Although the causes of enuresis are not emotional, it is very important that parents know how to handle the situation. From the age of seven, the child begins to understand better what is happening, to feel different from others and therefore feel ashamed.

She often becomes withdrawn because she is afraid that others will know she pees in bed, so it is critical that parents avoid talking about it in front of other people so as not to embarrass their child.

In addition, it is essential for both parents to talk to the child in order to reassure her so that she does not feel guilty and anxious to pee in bed. Helping the child feel confident is essential. Don't scold her when the? Escapes? nighttime events happen and always try to encourage her every time they can control the pee.

In the home environment, enuresis should be treated normally so that the child sees it only as a passing phase.

With regard to enuresis, as with other family matters, the keywords are understanding and dialogue. With family support and medical treatment, the problem can be cured. With healing, is it common to observe a change in behavior in children? from introversion to extroversion? This leads her to regain her self-esteem and better develop other areas of her life, such as school and social life.

The Secret Reason You Constantly Have to Pee (May 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
  • 1,230