4 Iron Care and Cleaning Tips

Taking care of household objects is as important as caring for your home. Like any other type of machine, the iron is one of those things that needs attention, as keeping it clean and well maintained can not only prolong the life of the appliance, but also ensure that the appliance operates more efficiently. So we selected some iron care and cleaning tips. Check out.

Use the correct temperature for each type of fabric.

It is important to regulate the iron so that its temperature is in accordance with the type of fabric being ironed, because if the iron base is hotter than necessary, the fibers of the fabric will be burned. These fibers will accumulate at the base of the iron, making it appear dark yellowish. In most cases, the removal of this type of waste is very difficult, while in others it is impossible, which leads to the need to change the iron base.

Therefore, always keep an eye on leaving the iron at the right temperature.

Avoid water accumulation in steam irons

Water storage in steam irons It may accumulate dirt and rust on the appliance, impairing its operation and may stain the clothes being ironed. Therefore, to avoid this problem, always try to empty the iron water tank. But if your iron already has rust or dirt in the water compartment, cleaning is simple: just add a tablespoon of hot vinegar to the container and let the liquid come out of the holes. After that, keep adding water and emptying the tank repeatedly until it is completely cleaned.

Never use any abrasive product.

If dirt is present not only in the water storage compartment but also in the base of the ironDo not use any abrasive products such as steel sponges to clean your appliance. This type of material creates micro scratches that cause the iron not to slip efficiently over thin fabrics.

Therefore, to clean your appliance, use a mixture of ½ cup white vinegar and ½ cup water. Turn the iron on low and use a soft sponge and vinegar-water mixture to clean the base. After removing the dirt, turn it off and wipe it with a clean damp cloth to wipe off any residue.

Another option for cleaning the base is to wipe it with a damp cloth and mild detergent, and after drying with a cloth, use a small amount of colorless car wax to shine the appliance, while removing the excess with a dry cloth.

Avoid leaving the iron on unnecessarily

For extend the life of the ironWe also suggest that the device not be switched on unnecessarily. Also, do not keep turning the iron on and off too often. It is better to let accumulate a quantity of clothes to be ironed. That way you keep your iron in good condition and still save energy.

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