Protein Rich Foods

Protein plays a key role in anyone's diet. They are extremely necessary inside and outside the cells as they perform the most diverse functions in our body. For those who practice some physical activity, they are even more important.

In addition to providing energy to the body, proteins are responsible for making up what we call lean body mass. The main functions of proteins in our body are to form the muscles, the hormones that regulate the functioning of various organs of our body and to form the antibodies that protect our body from aggressors.

Our body does not manufacture sufficient amounts of protein to maintain and / or provide muscle mass gain and to guarantee the health benefits of this nutrient, so we need to meet this need through diet.

A high protein diet combined with exercise favors healthy weight loss. That's because the two work together to eliminate extra pounds in the form of fat, not muscle mass.

But no exaggeration. Protein is also responsible for muscle gain and, in order to have a defined body, some people end up exceeding the proper amount of consumption. Any nutrient when consumed excessively can cause damage to health, with protein is no different.

Where to find the proteins?

The main foods rich in protein are meat, cheese and eggs. Red meat, chicken and fish meat contain large amounts of this nutrient. Choose the less greasy and include it in your menu.

Those who do not eat meat should compensate by eating alternative foods. One option is egg, which has a protein called albumin. Egg protein has high biological value and is widely consumed by athletes. Milk protein is considered noble, because it has the best absorption in the body.

Whole grains, beans, various legumes and leafy vegetables also have protein, though in smaller amounts than other foods. More important than including protein foods in the diet, is to maintain a regular consumption to ensure the proper functioning of the body.

Top 10 Foods High In Protein [HD] (April 2024)

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