9 habits that can harm the health of your feet

If you have heard of reflexology, you know that in this technique, each part of our feet corresponds to an organ in our body, such as the kidneys, lungs, heart, etc. Therefore, problems in this region can cause imbalances throughout the body.

However, you don't have to rely on reflexology to want to take good care of your feet: just having an ingrown toenail, blisters, a yeast infection, or a sprain to know how important it is to keep your health up to date. So here are 9 habits you should avoid to give your feet the care they deserve:

1. Try to unclog nails by yourself

If you have not had training for this, you better not risk it. The jamming corners can be very painful and our desire is simply to rip that piece of nail out of there, but that can make the problem worse.

Firstly, making the wrong cut of this nail will result in a new ingrown corner in a few weeks. Also, by using non-sterile pliers and spatulas, you risk causing a very ugly and painful infection known as? Pyogenic granuloma? or "spongy meat".

In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics may be required to contain inflammation and infection, or even surgery to destroy the nail matrix in the most severe granulomas.

2. Running or walking with new sneakers

Your brand-new sneakers may look great and look super comfortable at first glance, but you shouldn't start them off in a marathon. After all, as soft as they appear to be, they have not yet shaped their feet and can cause blisters or even facilitate twisting.

So when buying a new pair of sneakers, always wear it slowly, giving your feet time to get used to it. with him before running or walking long distances.

3. Think you always use the same number

After our growth is complete, we are expected to wear the same number of shoes for life. However, the fact is that our feet may sometimes increase in size, especially after pregnancy, significant weight gain, or even an injury that causes anatomical changes, such as chronic cases of arthritis.

Also, some brands actually have a larger or smaller shape than the standard, so it is important to try all shoes on before you buy them. If you want to buy online, check the possibilities of exchange before placing the order.

4. Wear the same number of shoes for sports

Maybe sneakers, scarpins, and number 37 sandals would fit your feet perfectly. However, when it comes to sports shoes, you need to consider that our feet may need a little extra space to breathe.

Therefore, if your training shoes are too tight, you may need to choose a larger number than you wear in your daily life.

5. Wear shoes with sole too straight

You are already tired of hearing that wearing too high heels can cause foot, knee and spine injuries, right? However, what we don't often hear is that shoes without any kind of elevation on the sole can also be harmful.

In this case, we are not saying that your shoes always need to have heels, but rather that they must have some kind of shock absorber, such as a slightly higher and padded sole. Otherwise, we may also be more prone to pain and injury.

6. Never retire those old shoes

We all have that shoe that is already all tapped, but still our favorite and we dare not get rid of it for nothing in this world. However, the feeling of comfort that these shoes give us is not that true.

Over time, the sole will be more worn, offering less shock absorbing power. In addition, the shoe structure itself is compromised so that it no longer provides adequate support for your feet. Thus, heavily detonated shoes increase the risk of injury, especially in the ankles.

7. Barefoot in changing rooms

This should not be new to you: walking barefoot in public environments, especially those that are always wet, is a bad idea. These environments are very conducive to the development of fungi and bacteria, which increases the risk of you getting ringworm and other infections.

So always carry a slipper in your bag if you have a habit of bathing at the gym or club.

8. Run without socks

Most of us prefer to wear running or walking socks, but there are some people who don't like the feel of the fabric, so they end up leaving it off. However, socks are essential to protect your feet from friction with sneakers (preventing blisters), to absorb sweat and to prevent them from slipping inside your shoes.

9. Wear the same shoes for all types of sports.

Running shoes are made of a lighter material and give you more momentum to move forward, while basketball shoes, for example, are designed to allow you to move sideways.

This way, by using the same footwear for various sports, you can not only have your performance reduced, but also expose your feet and ankles to a greater risk of injury.

Your feet deserve to be treated with care, and this includes more than pedicure. If you notice any problems, be sure to visit the podiatrist, dermatologist or even the orthopedist to find out the best treatment for you.

6 Types of Shoes That Might Damage Your Feet (March 2024)

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