5 Attitudes That Can Lead to the End of a Marriage

Every relationship goes through troubled moments and this is natural, is part of daily living with another person intimately. However, as time goes on, one can acquire some addictions that are extremely harmful to the relationship. Here are some of them and get rid of these habits that can destroy your marriage:

  1. Do not communicate with partner
  2. Especially in the difficult times of the relationship, it is common for each one to close in their own corner and for issues not to be discussed between the two. This ends up making each one draw their own conclusions without listening to what the other has to say, which tends to create resentment and frustration in the couple. Problems can and should be discussed by the couple, but using affection in words and being careful with the way you say each thing is also essential.

  3. Think your partner is responsible for your happiness
  4. Putting this responsibility on another's shoulders often happens without even realizing it, but it is detrimental to both you and the relationship. Love each other first and be responsible for your own happiness so that both can live in peace without charge to each other.

  5. Exclude the intimacies of the couple's life
  6. Many couples over the years living together end up caressing like an unexpected touch, a kiss on the tongue, a hug when they get home. And it turns away from each other. Intimacy is not just about sex. Value these little moments of love demonstration and you will feel much closer and firmer in the relationship.

  7. Prevent or not desire partner growth
  8. Sometimes the other's growth can seem like a threat, whether it's your mate or a friend. And that's because growth is usually about change, and we are usually so used to the current situation that we find it hard to deal with news. However, holding your partner back will not bring any growth to the couple and will not prevent them from knowing and caring for other people. Value your partner and encourage and support your projects.

  9. Forget how important it is to make time for each other
  10. Relationships in which the couple does not spend quality time together, only the two, doing something they both enjoy becomes tedious and tends to weaken over time. Despite the rush of everyday life, it costs nothing to save fifteen minutes from the end of your day to tell your partner how important he is to you and to recall some of the most memorable moments in your life together. Think about it, it's a good way to start creating more time for you.

5 Attitudes of a Man Who Lies (April 2024)

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