The Benefits Of Physical Activity For Children

Are the numerous benefits that the practice of physical activities are already known? combined with a balanced diet? offers to people in general. Nowadays, however, there is more and more talk about the need to encourage children from an early age to exercise in some way.

If you have children, here are, before any other information, two important teachings to promote their health and well-being: Every child needs approximately 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity every day. ; No child should spend more than 2 hours a day on television or electronic devices (computer, games, internet), and should therefore prefer games that require body movement.

The reasons for this are countless! In Canada, for example, after some scientific studies, a consensus has developed on the importance of physical activity for children. He agrees with other consensus in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, which show that practice is important because:

  • Promotes growth;
  • Improves motor development;
  • Builds strong bones and muscles;
  • Maintains and develops flexibility;
  • Promotes maintenance of proper weight;
  • Improves the cardiocirculatory system;
  • Improves posture;
  • Promotes socialization;
  • Significantly improves self-esteem.

Alexandre Nikolay, specialist in Pediatrics at the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Coordinator at Hospital Santa Lúcia (Brasilia) and Professor of Medicine at ESCS-FEPECS-SES-DF, reinforces that the benefits of physical activity for children are numerous. Some scientific papers even claim that exercise is more important for lowering children's body fat than diet itself. However, we should never underestimate the importance of healthy eating?

"In addition to improving the relationship between lean mass and body fat, exercise provides better concentration and improves interpersonal relationships," adds the expert.

At what age can the child practice any physical activity?

With an eye to all the benefits that physical activity can offer, this question often arises: From what age can a child begin to exercise? As a result, other questions may arise, such as how to choose the activity my child should do.

Nikolay first emphasizes that children can and should begin physical activity as soon as possible. "Activities should always be chosen according to age and respecting the affinities of each child," he adds. Below he cites some important guidelines in this regard:

  • Children under the age of 6 are not prepared for organized sports with rules.
  • Between 2 and 5 years old children should practice activities that stimulate motor coordination such as running, jumping, rolling, throwing and catching.
  • It is essential to respect children's choices of the sport they wish to practice. When the child practices an activity of his own choosing, he does it with more interest.

Are there any physical activities that are not suitable for children?

Nikolay says no. "Any physical activity that is carried out responsibly, with guidance and the use of protective equipment can be practiced by children," he says.

However, it is noteworthy that there are more appropriate activities according to the age of the child, as mentioned by the professional above, and their desire should also be taken into consideration when choosing.

One tip is to talk to your child's pediatrician for all necessary guidance before beginning any physical activity. The professional can help even with suggestions for more appropriate activities.

What are the precautions with the practice of physical activities in childhood?

Alexandre Nikolay explains that the practice of sports activities should be performed with the use of appropriate accessories, such as helmets, boots, knee pads, impact-absorbing sneakers, gloves, etc. "In this way, we avoid or minimize traumas that can have repercussions throughout the individual's life," he says.

It is also important not to forget about sunscreen in outdoor activities, as the expert adds.

How to encourage children to practice physical activity?

Knowing all the benefits that physical activity can bring to children, it reinforces the need for adults (parents or guardians) to encourage them to exercise in some way early! And there are some tips that can help in this regard:

  • By way of example, being active especially when you are with the children;
  • Include physical activity in family programs, even a simple Sunday morning walk, for example;
  • Encourage going to school by walking or cycling if possible;
  • Propose a physical activity always when the child complains that "he has nothing to do";
  • Have balls, kites, bikes at home or in the car, so there is never an excuse for you not to do an activity together;
  • They always encourage children to exchange TV, computer and video games for sports activities;
  • When giving the child a gift, prefer toys that stimulate physical activity, such as skateboards, ropes, kites, plastic discs, etc.

Did you like the tips? These are simple suggestions, but they can certainly help children to lead a more active and therefore healthier life!

The Benefits of Getting Active (March 2024)

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