The 21 Healthiest Foods For Women

Did you know that there are many foods that, besides being tasty, have the power to prevent disease and photoaging, help with weight loss and ensure even more beauty to women?

It sounds too good to be true and you may be wondering if you actually have access to all these foods! Fortunately, the list is long, but below you will find some of them and if you do not have the habit of consuming them, you can include them from today in your diet:

1. Cinnamon: decreases the desire for sweets, a symptom of most women, especially in PMS (premenstrual tension). "It is still a great ally in reducing body fat and cellulite because it is anti-inflammatory," says Jackeline Taglieta, nutritionist at the University of São Paulo (USP), postgraduate in Functional Clinical Nutrition.

2. Coconut Oil: Helps in reducing visceral fat, is antifungal (preventing candidiasis) and has good benefits in improving cholesterol profile? important care especially in menopause, when women are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease ?, explains nutritionist Jackeline.

3. Chestnuts: oilseeds, are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. They are great for improving the emotional symptoms (depressive and irritability) common in the premenstrual phase. And Brazil nuts, in particular, are a great source of selenium, an antioxidant mineral that helps prevent premature skin aging ?, highlights the nutritionist.

4. Nuts: of the oilseed group, are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. They are also great for improving common emotional symptoms in the premenstrual phase.

5. Almonds: of the oilseed group, are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 and have the same benefits as above.

6. Macadamia: Oilseed, rich in magnesium and vitamin B, has the same benefits as walnuts and almonds.

7. Cranberry: "A very antioxidant red fruit that helps prevent urinary infections," says nutritionist Jackeline.

8. Oats: It is a source of silicon, a mineral that participates in the formation of collagen, improving the appearance of cellulite and maintaining the elasticity of the skin. And it contains betaglucans, fibers that benefit intestinal health and control cholesterol ?, explains the nutritionist.

9. Broccoli: It is rich in iron. It is noteworthy that women lose a lot of iron during menstruation. It also has calcium, which is important for bones, nails and muscle contraction. In addition, it has a good amount of fiber and magnesium ?, explains Jackeline Taglieta.

10. Escarole: Like broccoli, it is part of dark green vegetables, is rich in iron and calcium and has a significant amount of fiber and magnesium.

11. Cabbage: It is part of dark green vegetables and offers all the benefits mentioned above.

12. Brussels sprouts: It is also part of the dark green vegetables and offers all the benefits mentioned above.

13. Arugula: It is part of dark green vegetables and offers the same benefits as broccoli, escarole, among others.

14. Spinach: It is part of dark green vegetables and offers all the benefits mentioned above.

15. Watercress: It is also part of the dark green vegetables and offers all the benefits mentioned above.

16. Egg: It is a food rich in vitamin E, which prevents skin photoaging, biotin and vitamin A, both considered beauty vitamins. It is also a source of protein, essential for the muscles, immunity and health of nails and hair. Does it contain a certain amount of cholesterol, which is essential for the synthesis of sex hormones, as well as iron ?, explains Jackeline Taglieta.

17. Sardines: "It is a source of vitamin D and calcium (very important for the prevention of osteoporosis), coenzyme Q10 (also prevents premature skin aging) and omega 3 (reduces visceral obesity and is cardioprotective"), says the nutritionist.

18. Sesame: "Seed, source of lignans, phytoestrogens that improve menopause hot flashes and prevent some types of breast, uterus and ovarian cancer," explains Jackeline.

19. Flaxseed: Like sesame, it is from lignans, phytoestrogens that improve menopause hot flushes and prevent some types of breast, uterus and ovarian cancer.

20. Chia: Like sesame and flaxseed, it is a seed, source of lignans, phytoestrogens that improve menopause hot flashes and prevent some types of breast, uterus and ovarian cancer.

21. Water: A woman's diet cannot be missed, says nutritionist Jackeline Taglieta."It is critical to keep the skin well hydrated, to make body fat burning happen efficiently and for the whole process of nutrition and detoxification of the body," he explains.

Now that you know the full benefits of these foods, you have great reason to include them in your diet as soon as possible! And don't forget that drinking water is also critical to ensuring more beauty and health.

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