10 tips for dealing with child emergencies

Domestic accidents involving children They are very common and most of the time parents do not know how to handle the situation. In this case, the lack of preparation of the father and mother ends up further despairing the child who cut his foot or swallowed an object that was part of the toy. That's why we have selected 10 tips that will help you deal with emergencies involving children. Check out.

What if my son?

1? Put a metal object in the socket and so it got a shock?

If the child is breathing and speaking normally, there is no cause for concern. However, if your child's reflexes are slow, you should take him to the doctor to check if something is wrong with the child. In cases of burnWash the wound with cold water to cool the skin. But if there are blisters, intense redness and a lot of pain, also seek medical attention.

2? Get cut?

In such cases, press the wound for five minutes with some kind of absorbent material, such as a clean piece of cloth or T-shirt, to contain the bleeding. Once the bleeding stops, wash the wound with soap and water and apply an antiseptic ointment and everything is fine. But if the bleeding If it does not stop within ten minutes, seek medical attention.

3? Swallowed some very small object?

If your child was joking and eventually swallowed one of the toy parts, calm down. If he is breathing normally, does not feel pain or vomits, there is no reason to panic; but it is worth taking him to the doctor for an x-ray to see if all is well. On the other hand, if your child is coughing, feeling breathless and short of breath, take her to the hospital immediately as some airway may be blocked.

4? Do you have a nosebleed?

At this point it is important for parents to try to soothe the child, as being scared and crying can increase bleeding. For it to cease, try to keep your child sitting and erect, and then keep the child's nose pressed firmly for five minutes. If bleeding persists, seek medical attention.

5? Was bitten by a tick?

Many parents may be concerned about this kind of situation as the tick can transmit some diseases. But, this only happens if it stays in the body for more than 36 hours. So if your child comes up with a tick as soon as you can remove it with tweezers, wash the wound with soap and water, disinfect with alcohol and use an antiseptic ointment. Thus, there is no danger of contagion of any disease.

6? Pierced the foot with a sharp object?

As long as the injury has not been deep and there is no object in the child's body, parents can rest easy and treat the cut at home. To do this, wash the wound with warm, soapy water, use an antiseptic ointment and cover the wound. injury with a bandage. For a few days look for signs of infection in the cut and if so, seek a hospital.

7? Choked?

In such cases, if the child is breathing normally, there is no reason to panic. Otherwise, lightly slap your child on the back so that he or she begins to cough and thus eliminate what has been swallowed incorrectly. If breathing is difficult, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

8? Lost a tooth in one blow?

As soon as the tooth falls out, wipe it off with some milk, put it back in the cavity and run to the dentist. Experts confirm that the chances of saving a tooth are greater if it is re-implanted in less than an hour.

9? Do you have an allergy crisis?

In most cases, one dose of antihistamine, a drug used to relieve allergy symptoms, is enough. However, if symptoms are more severe, such as difficulty breathing and swelling of the lips, seek medical attention immediately.

10? Stuck his head between the bars of a fence?

It may sound funny, but this kind of situation occurs more often than we think. As in other cases, if the child is breathing, there is no reason to panic. Just help her pull her head away. In extreme cases where parents cannot get the child out of the situation, call the fire department to help them or cut the fence!

Simple Emergencies - For children. For families. For answers. (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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