Is online therapy really effective?

With the rush of everyday life, it is normal for people to search the internet for ways to make it even easier and more optimizing time. For this, companies from all segments, such as supermarkets, cosmetics stores, drugstores, among others, offer computer-based shopping services.

However, a practice that has been increasingly accepted and gained a large number of supporters is the online therapy. Have you heard? These are specialized sites that with a team of therapists and psychologists are able to hear the outburst of people without the need to be a face-to-face consultation, as is the key item in office therapies.

The person does not have to travel to the office, there are flexible hours and there is no need for you to show your face to the specialist. “This is a specialized service that offers the patient confidentiality, but some care needs to be taken, because I've heard cases of professionals say they are psychologists, but it's just a lie. Therefore, people should worry and pay attention to several items before opting for this type of consultation ?, comments the businesswoman P.V. that made that kind of query.

Therefore, you need to carefully check the provenance and recognition of the service you are joining. Unfortunately, there are no laws that protect the internet user against any internet problem. Therefore, there is a need for the person to self-protect and properly check the site before joining. I myself was guided by my psychologist to search only the sites regulated by the Federal Council of Psychology ?, comments.

To ensure more security to the person, the sites go through the review of the agency that issues a seal. • This seal should be stamped right on the main page of the site and it ensures that the person will be served by qualified specialists. But if the patient is still in doubt, the best thing to do is to contact the CFP ?, explains P.V ..

How online therapy works

The cases that are accepted and can be passed through online therapy are the simplest. The most serious, the treatments should be done in the doctor's office. ? People seeking consultations that are regulated by the Federal Council of Psychology will first make a registration on the site, which will only be approved after review by professionals. Then she buys credits for the appointments. Finally, the patient schedules the conversation, which can be done through text or video ?, explains the businesswoman.

But all care is little. Care must always be taken and qualified professionals sought, regardless of which service you join. Another option is also for the person to consult their own psychologist or doctor they usually attend so that he can indicate the best site for the consultation. That's what I did and it worked out super right?

BetterHelp | When Online Therapy & Counseling Is Appropriate vs When It Isn't (April 2024)

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