Leopard nails

Animal prints have invaded catwalks and streets for some time and in the world of nail polish was no different. With the innovation of colors, techniques and textures, decorated nails have become feverish worldwide.

The technique of decorating the nails with the animal print allows an infinite combination of colors and styles. Today we bring the nails decorated with leopard print in classic colors: nude, brown and black.

You can choose the decoration according to your style. Prints can be made on all nails or just one nail, adhering to the one daughter trend.

The base color used for decoration has to be very dry before you begin the design process as you risk smudging your nails.

The blemishes can be made with a thin brush, or a nail cleaning stick. If you don't have much practice doing nail decoration, call a friend to help.

It takes a little practice and patience to perfect the technique. The color combination is up to you. Check out the materials used and the step-by-step of leopard nails.

Necessary materials

  • Creamy nude nail polish for the base (we use one layer of Risqué Nude Gold and one layer of Risqué Nude? Average price R $ 2,60 each);
  • Brown spot nail polish (we use Mary Key's Lavish Sable? Average price $ 7.00);
  • Creamy black nail polish for the contour of the spots (we use Risqué Sepia Black? Average price R $ 2,60);
  • An extra shine (average price $ 2.60);
  • A toothpick or brush to decorate nails (average price $ 0.40 the toothpick and $ 20.00 the kit with 15 brushes).

Leopard's nail step-by-step

Prepare the nails as usual. Sand, carefully remove cuticles, use a polish and apply colorless base. Then pass the two layers of nude nail polish and wait for it to dry well to begin decoration.

After the used base nail polish is well dried, drip the brown nail polish on a backing paper and begin to brown the nails using the toothpick or brush. Do this for all nails, or if you prefer to adhere to the one-child trend, choose only one nail to make the pattern.

With the patches very dry, drip the black nail polish on the paper and begin to outline them partially with the toothpick or brush. It is important that the spots are of different sizes and spaced to give the leopard print feel. This step requires patience as the stain and outline colors cannot mix. It takes about thirty minutes to decorate each hand.

Finishing the decoration, wipe off any excess and allow the nail to dry for at least thirty minutes before finishing with an extra gloss coat.

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Now that you have checked the tips for making leopard nails, how about trying it?

After making the black spots, wait at least 30 minutes before applying the extra shine to avoid smudging.

Make the brown spots and then outline part of them black with a brush or toothpick. Apply gently.

To make the drawings with the brush, take an amount of nail polish without exaggerating and apply to the nails.

In general, we spend a drop of nail polish per nail, because the quick-dry nail polish can't get through.

We chose to do the nude base with Risque Gold Nude nail polish. We apply 2 layers.

Choose one nail polish for the base, two for the stains and invest in a tool to make the designs.

Leopard Print Two Techniques - WILD NAILS! (May 2024)

  • Hands and Feet, Nails, Decorated Nails
  • 1,230