10 Signs That You Are In A Pre-30s Crisis

Gone are the days when turning 30 was a reason for crisis. Nowadays, at 30 the woman is reaching the peak of her professional career, and is more mature and confident with herself, which increases self-esteem and makes her look more beautiful. This also favors relationships, which tend to improve.

The new age is a milestone in any woman's life, as it shows the transition from a more carefree and relaxed phase, which was 20, to a phase of greater responsibility.

Maybe that's why the 30s still scare so much, and just thinking they're approaching, even the most confident women are starting to get anxious.

The key is not to raise too many expectations or torture yourself thinking about what worked.

Now is the time to take the reins and move on, with more maturity and wisdom, which will surely help a lot in all decisions to be made. Below are the signs that you are coming in the 30's crisis:

1 ? Willingness to marry

The charge often comes from outside and only then does the woman begin to think about this possibility. Evaluate if it is really what you want or if you are giving in to outside pressures. But do not despair. The greatest learning of this age is knowing that everything has the right time to happen.

2 ? Desire to have children

Besides the desire to be a mother, there is also the issue of the biological clock, since after a certain age it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. If you are married, talk to your partner about having children.

3? Lying the age

When a woman begins to feel uncomfortable about telling her actual age (even if not apparent) it is because she may be distressed that her 30s are approaching.

4? Question your achievements

Certainly a woman in her thirties has had many victories in her personal and professional life. But what was once a source of pride may seem to be not very grand, which often leads to crises of insecurity. The tip is to reflect if you are really satisfied where you are or if this dissatisfaction is only about what others may be thinking of you. And remember: It's still time to go after what you still want to achieve.

5? Financial concerns

For some time it is only natural for parents to be responsible for their children's expenses. But an important milestone in adulthood is financial independence and the ability to live on one's own money. Knowing how to manage accounts and maintaining the balance between the amount earned and the amount spent is essential to ensure stability. If you do a little research, you can find specialized websites and mobile apps that help you manage money.

6? Reassess Career

Not everything you dreamed of at age 20 came true at age 30. Some things may have been better while others were frustrating. Evaluate if your work makes you happy and if you think it can make you happy until you are 40. Moving around or looking for another job that makes your life more meaningful can be a way, always thinking about job satisfaction and not just salary.

7? If you compare too much

There will always be someone with a more consolidated career, a higher salary, a more stable relationship, a more structured family. Each has a different life, and the fact that someone is better at one point does not mean that you are not good enough either. Avoid focusing on your negative points and the positive points of others. Moreover, the life that people show and expose does not always correspond to what they are actually living. Do your best and believe in yourself.

8? Prefer to stay home over

Were you the ones who didn't miss a night out? Was it always in the bars, at parties, at shows? This will passes. There will come a time when you will prefer to sleep and wake up well the next day instead of turning around at night having fun. It can get you away from friends. But staying at home can also be fun. And you can invite friends to watch a good movie, have some wine or even chat. Also try to keep some time out, even for a quieter program.

9? Prioritize welfare

The desire of 35% of women between 25 and 30 years, according to a survey, is not to let work interfere with personal life. This may be another symptom of the pre-30 crisis. It is a desire for stability that, when achieved, will lessen anxiety and reduce stress.

10? Feel different

There are women who feel like they are no longer themselves. Tastes have changed and what once looked great is now not so good anymore. Natural. With age, whatever changes everyone goes through makes preferences different.Even the values ​​may change. It is up to each to evaluate their choices.

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