Intermittent fasting: for whom it is indicated, how and why to adhere to it

Talking about fasting today can seem crazy to many people, and it is controversial indeed. However, a feeding method called? Intermittent fasting? It has become increasingly prominent, especially among famous people such as Deborah Secco, and among people who already follow a healthy lifestyle. And you, have you heard?

The proposal, while controversial, is not as crazy as it may seem at first glance, because intermittent fasting is not really recommended for everyone, requires professional follow-up, and, above all, is based on serious study.

Nutritionist Pâmela Miguel explains that intermittent fasting is a type of eating program that intersperses programmed periods of non-eating with periods of controlled food intake. ? Currently this type of? Diet? It has become popular because studies have shown health benefits when fasting is performed in a targeted manner ?, highlights.

You may be wondering, but is intermittent fasting a good option for me then?

Calm! It is worth stressing that intermittent fasting is not a program recommended to everyone; It is generally indicated for people who have been on a balanced diet for a long time and especially a low carb diet.

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In this context, below you find out all about this method and answer your main questions!

How does intermittent fasting work?

Pâmela explains that fasting consists in not eating macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) for a certain period (8h / 12h / 16h / 24h).

The concept of fasting comes from the time of our ancestors, where there was no food available at all times. The body adapted to live with these periods without food and fat reserves were used as a source of energy ?, emphasizes Pamela.

According to the nutritionist, fasting has as one of its goals to balance the levels of the hormone insulin, thus improving hunger control and assisting in the prevention of chronic diseases. "Within the fasting period is allowed to consume water, water with lemon, teas and coffees without sugar or sweetener," he says.

Nutritionist Gabryella Batista, of the Institute of Oncology Alliance, explains that the body, after a certain period of time without eating, uses more energy substrates of its own than those from diet. "Thus, the body starts, for example, to use stored fat in adipose tissue instead of ingested fat from the diet," he says.

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Regarding hormones, Gabryella stresses that blood insulin levels drop significantly (which facilitates fat burning), as well as hGH growth hormone blood levels can increase up to five times (which favors mass increase). muscle).

Intermittent Fasting Types

There are different protocols for intermittent fasting. And the best option for each case, of course, can only be indicated by the nutritionist. But, know below the main examples:

Method 16/8

Pâmela explains that the 16/8 method consists of eating within 8 hours and staying for 16 hours without food and can only consume water, water with lemon, teas and coffees without sugar or sweetener.

Example fasting 16/8, according to nutritionist Pamela:

  • Monday ? Wake up (7am) ​​/ Eat breakfast (8am) = balanced eating / Lunch (12pm) = balanced eating / Afternoon snack (4pm) = balanced eating / Dinner (until 7pm) = balanced eating.
  • Then no food from 7pm on Monday until 11am on Tuesday.

This type of fasting, according to Pamela, can be done once, twice, or even three times a week.

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Method 5: 2

Pamela explains that the 5: 2 method is to determine 2 days a week to consume ¼ of the total calories consumed during the other normal feeding days. The caloric intake in these 2 days is around 500 to 600 calories.

Come-To-Come Method

Gabryella explains that this protocol involves fasts 24 hours, 1 or 2 times a week. "This means that dinner will be held, for example, at 19h, and then the next meal will be dinner at 19h the next day," he says.

Pamela stresses that this method provides for 24-hour fasting, alternating with balanced diet days. Check out an example cited by the nutritionist:

  • Monday: Breakfast (7h) = normal food / Throughout the day fasting, being able to consume only water, water with lemon, teas and coffees without sugar or sweetener.
  • Next meal Tuesday breakfast only (7am).
  • During Tuesday, a normal eating routine follows.
  • On Wednesday follows the same routine as Monday.

It is noteworthy that these are the best known protocols, but, as Pâmela explains, there are fasts of 8 hours without food, fasts of 12 hours without food and even 36 hours without food. "All respecting the concept of consuming only water, water with lemon, teas and coffees without sugar or sweetener in fasting periods and a balanced diet in the return of the feeding period," he adds.

Gabryella further comments that a well-known protocol is intermittent daily 12-hour fasting. "The person eats the last meal of the previous day, sleeps for about 8 hours and then stays 4 hours without eating in the morning," he exemplifies.

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8 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

But why intermittent fasting? Is there a real advantage to this style of eating? Yes!

According to Pamela, well-programmed and oriented intermittent fasting can lead to several physiological adaptations of the body, generating different benefits, such as:

  1. Reduction of LDL cholesterol ("bad cholesterol") and triglyceride levels;
  2. Blood pressure reduction;
  3. Better control of insulin levels and improved insulin resistance, contributing to better hunger control and prevention of chronic diseases;
  4. Reduction in cortisol (stress hormone) levels;
  5. Body fat reduction;
  6. Increased growth hormone levels;
  7. Improved concentration;
  8. Reduction of anxiety.

Gabryella points out that the epidemic of metabolic abnormalities (obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus) has caused an increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

Under these conditions, affected individuals show significant improvements when they change their eating habits. And in this context, recent studies have elucidated the modulation of intermittent fasting metabolism. Animal tests showed lower values ​​of glycemia and insulinemia, reduced volume of visceral fat, and greater resistance to stress ?, explains.

Contraindications of intermittent fasting

Gabryella points out that the main contraindications are:

  • Children
  • Seniors
  • Pregnant women
  • Patients with renal insufficiency
  • Diabetics
  • Patients with infections or poor immune system
  • Anemic patients
  • Patients using controlled medications

Pamela points out that intermittent fasting cannot be adhered to by all! "Fasting should always be guided by a professional nutritionist or nutrologist, as not everyone will benefit from the practice of fasting," he says.

More questions about intermittent fasting resolved

The subject is somewhat controversial, so it is common for many doubts to arise. Below you clarify the main ones:

1. What are the main changes that occur in the body when fasting?

Pamela explains that fasting promotes hormonal and metabolic changes in the human body that can improve the functioning of metabolism. "Fasting also promotes the activation of genetic factors involved in the body fat burning process, thus promoting weight reduction and body fat," he says.

"Fasting also improves the control of insulin levels and improved insulin resistance, contributing to better hunger control and prevention of chronic diseases," adds Pamela.

2. Can there be negative consequences to fasting?

Gabryella comments that long periods of fasting can alter the balance of hunger / satiety hormone production, which may promote long-term disturbance. • Investigating also claims regarding aging and longevity biomarkers. Studies have shown occurrence of hyperphagia (overfeeding) at times when food was available ?, says.

Thus, it reinforces once again the need to adhere to intermittent fasting only when there is indication and follow-up of the nutritionist or nutrologist.

3. Can I drink liquids while fasting?

Pâmela points out that during fasting, only water, lemon water, teas and coffees without sugar or sweetener are allowed.

4. Can I exercise normally during fasting?

I do not recommend fasting exercises.It is advisable to keep exercising on days when you are not practicing intermittent fasting ?, emphasizes Pâmela.

Gabryella emphasizes that decreases in glucose levels can interfere with the evolution of training or even make it impossible to practice during longer periods of fasting.

5. Is intermittent fasting safe?

Intermittent fasting is only safe and has health benefits when done under the guidance of a nutritionist or doctor, says Pamela.

"Before starting intermittent fasting, the professional will order tests to analyze the patient's metabolic conditions and safety in applying this dietary practice," adds nutritionist Pâmela.

6. Can fasting decrease muscle mass?

When done wrong, unscheduled and unsupervised by a nutritionist or doctor, yes. • The intermittent fasting period should be well programmed, as should the feeding period of the days without fasting. An unbalanced post-fasting diet will not bring the benefits of fasting ?, emphasizes Pamela.

Gabryella comments that weight loss in general can lead to muscle loss and it is therefore important to continue sports and maintain adequate protein intake as well as other nutrients. "There are studies showing that intermittent fasting causes less muscle loss than an aggressive calorie restriction diet," he says.

7. Can I continue my supplementation while fasting?

Supplements should be analyzed by the professional who is guiding the fast, emphasizes Pâmela. • Supplements containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be excluded. Some antioxidant supplements help boost the fasting-stimulated fat-burning process, he says.

Gabryella stresses that supplements cannot be caloric enough to lift the body from the fasting state. "Vitamin and mineral supplements may be used, but maltodextrin-based supplements, whey protein, for example, should not be consumed while fasting," he says.

8. What are the side effects of fasting?

When well targeted and programmed, fasting has no side effects. • At first, one may feel hungry during the fasting period. This hunger will last until the body's adaptation period, which depends on individual to individual ?, explains Pamela.

Gabryella points out that the problem is adhering to intermittent fasting without professional guidance. "If done incorrectly, fasting can increase stress levels and disrupt sleep, and can cause dehydration, hunger and headaches," he says.

Another worrying factor is the eating disorders or binge that can be triggered by the process, as some people use this type of diet to justify dietary errors: for example, they go all day without eating and when they eat they eat everything, including unhealthy food? explains nutritionist Gabryella.

9. If I fast, will I lose weight?

No. Not all organisms respond positively to weight loss with fasting. Genetic characteristics, life stages and associated diseases interfere with the success or non-success of fasting ?, emphasizes Pâmela.

Gabryella emphasizes that the evaluation of the patient's clinical parameters is essential to determine the specific treatment of each patient. ? Can the causes of obesity be motivated by a number of factors (glucose and / or insulin resistance, food intolerances, hormonal changes, physical inactivity, overeating etc.)? After the patient's complete anamnesis, the nutritionist can define the best treatment to be prescribed. Thus, there can be no guarantee that the practice of intermittent fasting can generate the expected results without proper monitoring ?, explains.

10. Can people who have migraines often (especially when they have been without food for a long time) safely adhere to intermittent fasting?

"In this case, it is best to treat the cause of migraine and, when the episodes of pain cease, take the introduction test of intermittent fasting practice," says Pamela.

Gabryella stresses that migraines should be evaluated because they are motivated by many aspects. "Drops in blood sugar levels can predispose even headaches from low food intake," he says.

11. If I already follow a healthy diet proposed by a nutritionist, can I also fast sporadically to achieve better results?

Gabryella points out that yes, as long as the accompanying nutritionist prescribes the diet. "It is noteworthy that this diet model is based on scientific studies as any diet prescribed by a professional nutritionist," he says.

Pâmela emphasizes that individuals who already follow a well-balanced and well-balanced diet are best suited to perform intermittent fasting (if they have the indication of the professional who accompanies them).

Now you know that intermittent fasting is a serious practice and it really offers positive results, not only in the sense of weight loss, but in overall health. However, it is not a recommended method for everyone, much less can be followed without professional guidance / guidance!

Intermittent Fasting (April 2024)

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