10 Things You Should Know Before You Decide To Live Alone

Leaving the family home to have a space of their own is the dream of many people. Being able to make your own schedules, your own rules, decorate the way you want, organize various parties with friends? Sounds like a wonderful idea, doesn't it?

However, along with the sense of independence and freedom they come: responsibilities. And the discovery that living alone can have more setbacks and difficulties than we previously thought.

After a while you realize that popcorn is not exactly the best food for every meal, that cleaning products are expensive and that dirty dishes accumulate at incredible speed.

Are you preparing to make this leap toward independence? So it's interesting that you hear about one thing or another before putting your things in cardboard boxes.

Check out our list of 10 things you should know before you decide to live alone!

Also read: 10 Things To Do Alone At Home On Saturday Night

1. You need to plan your finances

Before you take this important step in your life, write down what your monthly income is and how much you would spend each month. Estimate rental prices, water, internet, credit card and other expenses. It is best to wait a while and organize your money well so that you will not have to suffocate later.

2. The bureaucracy can be huge

If you have not researched the paperwork that involves renting, financing or buying a property, it is good to prepare. Oh, and many of these bureaucracies involve money. Have a good amount prepared beforehand.

3. Off-budget spending will be rare

When you live alone, you find that paying for electricity is more important than renewing your wardrobe with every collection change, for example.

4. Shopping trips turn into renovation and decor stores

After all, adults really enjoy choosing tile and comparing types of bathroom stall.

5. Your consumer dreams change completely

If you once wanted clothing and jewelry, now you want stainless steel refrigerators and non-sticky pans.

Also read: 14 Things You Shouldn't Worry About

6. The house does not clean itself

You start to value sunny days for washing clothes and exchanging cleaning tips with friends.

7. They haven't invented a refueling fridge yet.

Also, things can go out of date even when they're in the fridge.

8. You may get very tired

After a day of work, all you want to do is lie down and watch a good series. However, do you need to clean the bathroom, collect garbage, take clothes off the clothesline?

9. Sometimes it can beat loneliness

Your phone may end up becoming your best friend many times.

10. But there is no doubt: living alone is quite an achievement!

Owning your nose is a delight!

Read also: 20 Situations Men Will Never Understand

So, ready to fly with your own wings? Good luck girl!

LETS CHAT | moving, YT advice, living alone, confidence, marriage, kids, & more! (May 2024)

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