5 reasons to drink more tea

According to 12 new studies published in the December issue of American Journal of Clinical NutritionDaily tea consumption can improve your bone health, concentration, problem-solving ability, mood and even help you lose weight. "Although we are a nation of coffee drinkers, tea is the oldest beverage in the world and its health properties are indisputable," says Julie Upton, nutritionist and researcher at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "To experience the benefits of tea, people should try to drink 3 to 5 cups a day." Check out 5 of these benefits:

  1. Increases productivity
    Drinking black and green tea improves your concentration. Research has found that drinking two to three cups over a 90-minute period improves alertness, alertness, and focus and helps people do their job more accurately.
  2. Improve your mood
    Of the things that make you smile? Cheers from your boss, watch the sunset, read a great book? Black and green tea are not on the list, but they should. The L-theanine present in these teas helps neurotransmitters produce dopamine and serotonin, providing a feeling of well-being and pleasure.
  3. Helps to lose weight
    It's fact. Green tea drinkers have lower body mass index (BMI), waist and hip measurements, and body fat than non-tea drinkers. Some compounds in these teas, such as polyphenols, increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, and catechin increases metabolic expenditure during rest. Julie explains that "Green tea is not a miraculous method of weight loss, however, the person will burn over 100 calories doing what they would normally do all day just by drinking."
  4. Improves bone health
    When it comes to preventing osteoporosis, milk always steals attention, but green tea also contributes. "Polyphenols increase bone cell production in people of any age and the antioxidants called flavonoids contribute to slow bone loss in menopausal women," says Upton.
  5. It is healthy for the heart
    A hamburger with greasy chips looks delicious, but the harm it causes to your body is not. However, finishing the meal with a cup of black tea can counteract the effects of fatty foods on blood pressure and arterial blood flow. "The effect is almost immediate," explains Upton. "Black tea loosens blood vessels, helping blood flow more freely and lowers blood pressure," he adds.

7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike (May 2024)

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