6 Important Tips For Those Who Want To Cut Their Hair At Home

Cutting hair is one of the most common activities in the world. And it should be simple, too, but that's not what happens in many cases.

Almost every woman has gone through the following situation: you enter the salon, talk to the hairdresser, specify exactly how many millimeters you want to be taken from the locks with the famous ones - two or three little fingers? and when you check it out, do you realize you're bald? or almost that. Then be patient to wait for the length to return to what it was before.

A good solution to the problem is to learn how to cut your own hair at home. Madness? Not so much, many women do it routinely to avoid unnecessary irritation and give their hair a completely personalized look. It may seem difficult, but the tips below are very helpful and will help you achieve the expected result without major scares.

1 ? Start slow

Don't try to revolutionize your cut the first time you use scissors. Try to start slowly so that you can refine the technique before it radicalizes. How do you do this? Practicing, of course. Stir the fringe at first. Try to pick it up so that the result? even if it's a disaster? Don't be so obvious. Then when you are sure what you are doing, you can try a more meaningful change. The third step is to peal the front of the hair, always sparingly. Only after you have enough practice, move on to the rest of the locks.

2 ? Invest in the right tools

To save in the long run, you need to invest in the short run. Get at least one professional scissors for cutting. This type of tool allows the result to become more professional and reduces the risk of serious errors and protects the wires. If you use blunt scissors or hair scissors, you risk damaging it.

3? Learn how to prepare hair

Wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner. Then untangle them and divide them, trapping all the parts that will not be cut. If you decide to cut your whole hair, divide it into several layers and loosen the upper layers as you finish work with the lower ones.

4? Cutting

Use your index finger and middle finger to secure the lock of hair you want to cut. Slide your fingers to the ends and cut close to them, repeating the process on each strand and always checking the length removed so that it is not uneven. Should the layers be divided so that each strand is the same size? This is very important so that you do not make mistakes in the cut.

5? Keep hair wet

Use a small bottle of water and a spray nozzle to keep the strands always wet during cutting. Does this make the job easier? Dry hair is harder to cut properly. But don't forget that wet hair will always look longer than it really is. Be careful not to get excited and end up cutting more than you would like.

    See also: How to cut bangs alone at home

6? Final inspection

Use a handheld mirror to check how the cut was on the back of the head. Make sure everything is in order, the same size and no tips left.

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  • Hair, Haircuts
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