6 Tips to Stop Dry Feet

Those with dry feet know how uncomfortable they are, so they are always looking for measures that really help improve this discomfort. But after all, what causes hangover feet? Is there really any treatment? And can you avoid the problem?

Dermatologist Livia Pino, an effective member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and a postgraduate degree in Dermatology from the Rio de Janeiro General Polyclinic, comments that the feet (as well as the hands) do not have hair and therefore lack the natural lubrication of the skin. skin, leaving them naturally more dry. “In addition, some genetic issues and some conditions and diseases may make the skin more dry than others. Walking barefoot or with a sandal, for example, usually makes the foot thicker and dry ?, he says.

Sara Bragança, a postgraduate doctor in dermatology, explains that there are several causes for dry feet. Among the most common are: barefoot walking, frequent use of open shoes, obesity, vascular problems, mycoses, lack of hydration, hypothyroidism. "Heredity is also an important factor, besides bad eating habits," he says.

Juliana Jordão, postgraduate doctor in Dermatology, Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery, Specializing in Laser Therapy and Photodermatology at the Skin and Laser Center of Boom in Boom (Belgium), points out that the feet Dryness can be caused by several factors, such as: the constant friction of the person who walks barefoot; the lack of habit of moisturizing the skin after showering; the excess weight that facilitates the appearance of cracks in the skin; and diseases that favor dryness, such as venous insufficiency (varicose veins) and diabetes.

Thus, it is not always possible to identify a single cause that justifies a person's feet getting hung up. But there are measures that help to combat the problem and also to prevent it. Check out the top ways to combat dryness of the feet below!

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1. Moisturize daily

Livia points out that the feet should be hydrated daily, as well as the body skin. "I recommend putting the moisturizer on the bedside table, so as not to forget and so nobody will risk slipping," he says.

Sara comments that hydration at night is the most recommended. "This is because, besides the moisturizer being in contact with the area to be treated longer, reduces the risk of accidents (because the feet are slippery after hydration)," he says.

Sara adds that the products should preferably be specific to this area. Urea creams are the most recommended, according to the doctor.

2. Use specific products for cracked feet

Juliana points out that for scaly skin, creams with urea help a lot. However, for feet with cracks, it is recommended to avoid urea within the lesions to avoid burning. "You should use a healing or repairing cream (with dexpanthenol, among others) in the cracks to close it," he says.

3. Sleep with cotton socks after hydration

A simple and very valid tip is, after moisturizing your feet before bed, put on a cotton sock and stay with it all night long. Or, wrap your feet in plastic wrap.

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"When we plug (cover) the moisturizer with socks or plastic film we make the moisturizer better absorbed by the skin," says Livia.

4. Exfoliate lightly and in moderation.

Sara comments that exfoliation is important for hydration to be more effective and to make the feet softer. "The frequency of exfoliation should be weekly, but this exfoliation can't be very vigorous," he says.

Livia points out that the feet should only be sanded or exfoliated at most once a week in the case of keratodermia (thickened part of the foot).

For Juliana, exfoliation should be done only once a month. • Intense exfoliation should be avoided as the skin interprets it as aggression and when attacked it reacts by thickening. For this reason, the habit of excessive or very vigorous exfoliation creates a vicious cycle that leads to a progressive thickening of the skin ?, explains.

"It can even be done with exfoliation with sugar or cornmeal mixed in a little liquid soap during the bath, once a month at most, and gently," says Juliana.

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Thus, the ideal is to know the particularities of your feet and exfoliate as directed by your dermatologist, since exfoliation is indeed useful, but if done wrong and / or exaggerated, can exacerbate the problem (dryness of the feet ) instead of help.

5. Do not sand the foot daily

As much as many people think otherwise, the feet should not be sanded daily in the bath. "It can make the foot thicker," says Livia.

"In general, we recommend sanding carefully after soaking your foot in the water because it is easier and less aggressive to the skin," he advises.

6. Do not walk barefoot

Sara explains that the habit of walking barefoot causes the sole of the feet and especially the heels to become thicker due to direct friction with the dermis? Because it is directly compressed, it needs to protect itself, and this protection is given by the thickening of the dermis, making it more rough and dry.

In addition to these guidelines, it is very important to seek a dermatologist so that each case is treated individually. Ideally, always seek the dermatologist and see what is best for you. Some manifestations of dryness in the feet may be manifestations of genetic diseases, mycoses and etc. ?, highlights Livia.

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Products That Can Help You Treat

Check out examples of products that may help in treating dry feet. The creams were selected based on the bloggers' ratings.

Where to buy and the opinion of bloggers

  1. Nativa SPA foot cream O Boticario
  2. “It's very creamy, even thicker, and moisturizes a lot. I always apply at night before bed, and in the morning the skin is super soft. ? Diva's Stuff

  3. Natura brown footstools
  4. • Chestnut is a little more consistent and seems to be better absorbed through the skin. (?) The smell of chestnut is very good, too tasty. ? Diva's Stuff

  5. Biosegredo Silicone Cream
  6. "I love dual purpose creams like this one from BioSegredo because it's a moisturizing hand and foot lotion." ? Bruna Karlla

  7. Garnet Foot Cream
  8. Is the product made to be used on dry feet immediately after contact with water (bath or basin)? I found it so different! As the texture is more liquid, you can massage the region quietly. ? Diva's Stuff

  9. Urea Cream Ligia Kogos
  10. “I loved the result that it gradually brings to the feet. Because it is a cream with high concentration active provides the feet with various treatments such as cracking, roughness and cracking and still moisturizes super well leaving them soft and smooth from the first application. ? Turned Trend

  11. Dermopés Cream
  12. “My feet got very soft, I had light cracks that bothered me so much and they disappeared! I am very satisfied with this product, the appearance of my feet has improved a lot !? ? Ellen Soares

  13. Weleda Foot Cream
  14. It gets absorbed quickly into the skin and doesn't get that 'greasy' feeling, so it's great to get through during the day if your feet are dry. Liked it!? ? Run Woman

  15. La Roche-Posay Lipikar
  16. “I found the moisturizer very potent and also noticed that it seems to thin the skin of the feet. But you can not pass the cream, put on shoes and go crazy because he is kind of melancholy. I use it only at night before bed, so the next day the skin is beautiful !? ? Diva's Stuff

Now just choose which product (s) you will have as allies and care for the feet, remembering that the hydration of the feet should be done daily.

If in doubt about the most suitable substances for each case (taking into account if the foot is dry or very dry, if there are cracks or not etc.), the ideal is to consult a dermatologist, who will indicate the best products.

How to prevent dryness of the feet

The tips to avoid dryness of the feet are basically the same as those recommended for those already suffering from the problem.

1. Moisturize the feet daily: Even if you don't feel the hassle of getting your feet dry, it is important to moisturize them every day, after bathing or before bedtime, for example. "For prevention, common moisturizers with silicone, shea butter or vegetable oils are well indicated," says Juliana.

2. Do not walk barefoot: Barefoot should be avoided by those who do not want their feet to become dry, as, according to dermatologist Juliana, continuous friction causes the skin of the foot to become thickened as a form of defense.

3. Do not sand your feet daily and do not always exfoliate: Remember that this daily habit of sanding your foot in the bath tends to make your foot thicken.Then, even those who did not suffer from the problem can have their feet dry with time. The same caution applies to exfoliation, which should not be done often or very vigorously.

4. Have a healthy diet: Although few people realize this, poor eating habits can cause dryness of the feet (and other parts of the body).

5. Stay in weight: It is important to be careful because overweight facilitates the appearance of cracks in the skin.

Remember that, in addition to daily care, consultation with a trusted dermatologist is very valid for people who already suffer from dryness of the feet.

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