Homemade Deodorant: A Simple, Natural Recipe by Bela Gil

Living in a natural way can be seen as somewhat complicated, with so many industrialized products around us. But there are many ways to gradually re-educate ourselves on the consumption of natural products. You can search for companies that sell items in this line or opt for a handmade and homemade production.

Bela Gil, for example, publishes direct tips on her YouTube channel to put into practice healthier habits and even left a natural deodorant that we will reproduce here.

Using natural deodorant helps with allergies, is economical and prevents the absorption of harmful substances through the skin. According to her, those who care about food also need to pay attention to the hygiene and beauty products they use.

“A lot of people worry about not cooking in an aluminum pan, for example, because they know it's a heavy metal that, when accumulated in our bodies, can facilitate the development of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. But many deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum, warns Bela.

In addition, this recipe can be considered a complete deodorant, as it has ingredients that both neutralize the odor of sweat and prevent perspiration. Check out:

Read also: Do ​​It Yourself: 5 Powerful Natural Repellent Recipes


To make your homemade deodorant, you will need:

  • A spray bottle
  • 3/4 of the bottle you chose of Magnesia Milk
  • 5 to 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice
  • Water

Method of preparation

The first step is to mix the milk of magnesia with the essential oil in the bottle. Remember to shake well so that the oil mixes until the liquid becomes more homogeneous. Then, just fill the rest of the bottle with water and give one more shake.

Easy, no? If you have any questions you can check out Bela's walkthrough on video:

And, if you were excited to include other homemade recipes in your routine, take a look at these dry shampoos.

Como Fazer Um Desodorante Natural Duradouro E Que Funciona! (April 2024)

  • Skin
  • 1,230