9 Reasons to Include Magnesium-Rich Foods in Your Diet

Most women are unaware, but taking magnesium supplementation is essential to their health and helps to lessen anxiety, fatigue, poor digestion and moodiness. However, before opting for supplementation, it is important to consult a doctor, who will know what is the appropriate indication for each case. This can often be the solution to pain, discouragement, and other common everyday problems.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including the breakdown of glucose that will be transformed into energy. See some benefits of magnesium:

1 ? Gives more energy

A busy, busy life ends up stressing most women, which naturally lowers magnesium levels in the body. And when your levels are low, it is common to feel tired, exhausted, and unwilling to do much. The tip is to eat foods that are a source of magnesium, such as nuts, vegetables like kale and spinach, fish like sole, and wheat bran or oat bran. But still it may not be enough. So the supplement will help.

2 ? Calms your nerves

One of the biggest benefits of magnesium is relaxing the nervous system. If you live tense or stressed, you probably have low magnesium levels. The supplement helps to regain calm and bring relief and quickly. It sends soothing messages to the body, which can also be achieved with foods such as almonds, cashews, bananas, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, sweet potato, halibut, salmon and oats.

3? Prevent and treat headaches

When you are tired or doing a lot of activity, the blood vessels contract, which can cause a headache. Because it has an effect on the nervous system, magnesium helps calm the body, lowers blood pressure and reduces the constriction that causes headaches. Women during the menstrual cycle benefit greatly from magnesium supplementation.

4? Relieves muscle pain

Consumption of magnesium in sufficient levels is also important for the muscles, especially during exercise. When muscles are tired, muscle pain or even inflammation is common. Therefore the recommendation is to take a magnesium supplement immediately afterwards. Magnesium supplementation can help decrease inflammation in the body and prevent joint pain as it helps to relax.

5? Lowers blood sugar

Blood sugar often rises because cortisol or stress hormone levels are high. This gives the feeling of hunger, but what happens is that cortisol tells the body that it needs glucose to relieve internal stress and lower stress hormones. In these cases, the benefit of magnesium is that it helps reduce cortisol, lowers blood sugar levels, and says your body no longer needs glucose to generate energy.

6? Prevent and treat constipation

Due to the direct effect of magnesium on the nervous system, it relieves and treats constipation. When someone is stressed, the bowel is often the first to stop working. Reducing stress is one of the most important things to do to have a healthy bowel. Activities such as walking, yoga and meditation are great options. And magnesium also helps the gut to relax and release waste.

7? Soothes stomach problems

The magnesium dose will vary with each person, but it is recommended to always start with a lower dose. It acts directly on the nervous system and thus helps relieve stomach problems, especially those caused by stress.

8? Controls the PMS

Women who suffer from PMS get their nerves on edge. Blood vessels contract, muscles ache, headaches and even depression develop. The good news is that magnesium can help control all these symptoms through supplementation and ingested food. Even the mood gets better.

9? Helps to sleep

As magnesium relaxes, it can be a great ally to combat insomnia. In such cases, it is ideal to take the supplement before bed. This deepens your sleep and helps you have more mood in the morning.

Remember that it is essential to consult your doctor and nutritionist before taking any supplements.

9 Reasons You Should Take Magnesium & Magnesium-Rich Foods (May 2024)

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