How to stay faithful in a relationship

Every relationship is known to have ups and downs and these moments can be potential opportunities for betrayal and need to be lived with caution. Of course, comparing your boyfriend to a guy you see or talk to at one time or another is totally unfair.

Getting you into a chat once or twice and keeping you interested is easy, now being your boyfriend and keeping you interested even through hard times is all about relating. So don't compare your grass to your neighbor's.

On the other hand, there are relationships that only have bad things. Those relationships where you are not happy, you do not combine at all and you are already more than discouraged.

In such cases, one has to see if it is beneficial for both of them to stay in this situation rather than being unhappy in a relationship and eventually having extramarital affairs to meet the needs of one or the other.

Check out our tips so you don't sabotage a healthy relationship, or let you know when it's time to get away from a relationship that is not making you happy.

Be true to yourself and to him

You may be in this relationship for convenience, because you got used to the other person's way, but really don't love him anymore. If you suspect this is the case, review this relationship well. It is not interesting to deceive yourself and the other into saying that you love him or her, and are not actually being happy in this relationship.

Test your attitudes: If you have to work hard to show affection and love, you may be forcing yourself to believe that you love him, when in fact the feeling no longer exists, or never has. Having such a relationship gives a lot of openness to treacherous thoughts, so beware.

See the best in the relationship

Try to understand and appreciate the best of both of you together and the qualities of each one individually. Instead of reinforcing criticism of the other in your mind, do the opposite and reinforce positive thoughts about what is best. So you avoid paying more attention to what's bad and learn to value what's good about you.

Test your attitudes: If each time you talk about your partner, you only complain about him, it is important to reevaluate this relationship and balance the positives and negatives to see if it is worth sticking with.

Escape from temptation

We know that meat is weak and that is why we should not create opportunities that might favor that jump. So don't hesitate to decline that invitation from your cat college buddy for a private internet chat. This can end up flirting, evolving into spicy conversation and ending up at the motel.

Test your attitudes: If you can't live without talking to a cat you know, beware, it can be a door to your first betrayal. Stay alert and distance yourself if you feel it is necessary.

Don't cling to the? Forever?

If it's not good, there's no point in getting together just to keep a promise, or a protocol. In such cases, termination is more respectful of you and him than keeping a appearance relationship and without happiness, love and dedication. Maintaining such a relationship only leaves you both more and more needy and frustrated, and can lead one of you to cheat.

Test your attitudes: If you constantly think that you would be much happier with someone else, this is probably a sign that this relationship is not going well. Ask yourself: is it just a phase or did I really lose interest?

Finally, focus on your relationship. Many of causes of betrayal Are they linked to the lack of one or the other? the famous cases in which one person of the couple goes to get someone else who does not have "at home".

So be sure to "give assistance", because this way you avoid leaving your partner missing that affection and encourages him to dedicate himself as well. Forming a virtuous circle of affection, dedication, respect and faithfulness.

How to Stay faithful In A Relationship and stop Yourself From Cheating ? animated video (May 2024)

  • Relationships, Betrayal
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