11 Amazing Petroleum Products

When we hear about oil, we soon think of a black liquid that generates gasoline and fuels most cars in the world. But it represents much more than that.

Marcelo Pita, coordinating professor of the Oil and Gas Engineering course at Unimonte, points out that today oil is present in all stages of production. "Of course it is more associated with the area of ​​fuel, but the truth is that it is in all other industries," he says.

Oil shortage

Much is also said about the scarcity of oil. The concern is due to the fact that it is a limited and non-renewable fuel.

“It was generated millions of years ago, and was no longer generated after that. What happens today is that, with new technologies, exploration techniques, some types of oil are still very useful ?, explains Marcelo Pita. However, it is not possible to stipulate when the oil will run out.

Oil and pollution

The professor explains that industries take petroleum products and turn them into plastic, which becomes the subject of pharmaceuticals, textiles, food, among many others. ? All kind of plastic is derived from petroleum. It is genetically altered and, precisely for this reason, in this process, it becomes harmful to the environment ?, he says.

However, Marcelo points out, oil should not be seen as something negative, as it is part of our daily lives. It is a product that society is no longer without. For example, about 50% of a car comes from oil. But this is just an example. Is he a good that people need? He says.

"What is up to people is to look for technologies, new techniques to transform oil so that there is no harmful impact on the environment," says the professor.

Petroleum Products

To get a sense of how oil is present in our lives, check below for a list of 11 amazing products made from this oil through its derivatives:

1. Food: It seems strange, but petroleum derivatives are used directly (in colorings, preservatives) or indirectly (in artificial fertilizers and pesticides) in food production.

2. Plastic: One of the most well-known uses of petroleum products is plastic production, which is present in most people's daily lives and is found, for example, in water bottles, disposable glasses, DVD cases, etc.

3. Chewing Gum: few people know, but chewing gum, which many people consume in their daily lives, also comes from petroleum products.

4. Remedies: Again it seems strange, but oil is quite present in the pharmaceutical industry. Many medicines, especially painkillers and even homeopathic remedies, contain benzene, an oil derivative.

5. Cosmetics: Perfumes, waxes, shampoos and conditioners, among other products, are made from petroleum derivatives.

6. Lipstick: Widely used by women, this is another product that comes from petroleum products or by-products. In addition to it, petroleum jelly, one of the petroleum derivatives, is also used as a potent lip moisturizer and lipstick foundation.

7. Asphalt: petroleum derivatives include asphalt products. A curiosity is the estimate that there are about 18 million kilometers of paved streets worldwide, which corresponds to a significant amount of asphalt (and oil).

9. Cleaning Products: Petroleum derivatives are also basis for cleaning products. In addition, most of them are lined with plastic packaging.

10. Crayons: This type of product is very successful among children and, who would say, comes from paraffin, the solid wax made from petroleum.

11. Synthetic Fabrics: also from oil, they are well known; They include nylon, acrylic, polyester, and are widely used in both clothing and products such as curtains and carpets.

But it is worth mentioning that these are just some of the products that draw the most attention because they are made with oil. As Professor Marcelo Pita pointed out, oil is very present in our lives and is an extremely essential good for society.

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