Tips to prevent and soften the hangover

One day you are there having fun, dancing, laughing and drinking with friends, but the next day there is no one who can share with you the troubles caused by the hangover. In addition to the unbearable headache, still has nausea, dizziness, chills, thirst, sensitivity to light, a bad taste in the mouth and an indisposition that seems endless. If you've been through this, you know what we're talking about, but if you've never experienced it, it's good not to want to find out.

The hangover is the result of a set of symptoms of intoxication that occurs when you drink too much alcohol. To absorb all the alcohol ingested, the body has to make a huge effort, and such effort overloads all the organs involved in the process, with the liver being the most affected.

The liver has the function of producing the enzymes that absorb ethanol, but when alcohol consumption is interrupted, it takes a while to assimilate and in the meantime, goes into a process of abstinence, destabilizing the whole organism. and the nervous system, generating the symptoms mentioned at the beginning.

To help you avoid hangover, or fight it when you overdo it and drink too much, we've selected 9 helpful tips.

1 ? Do not exaggerate

The first and surefire tip for those who do not want to have a hangover is not to drink at all, because besides the hangover, the drink is responsible for many accidents, fights and can also contribute to weight gain, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis and brain injuries.

2 ? Do not mix

Each alcoholic beverage is made with different ingredients and methods that work well on their own, such as distilled and fermented beverages. By mixing a certain drink with different drinks, you can potentiate the harmful effects and cause the body to reject the mix.

3? Eat before and during alcohol consumption

When you drink on an empty stomach, your body absorbs alcohol faster, causing people to get drunk faster. By eating both before and during drinking, alcohol takes longer to enter the bloodstream and the brain. Starchy, vegetable, and glucose foods help slow the body's absorption of ethanol.

4? Hydrate

Drinking water during and after drinking alcohol helps to dilute the alcohol and release it faster. Because alcohol is a diuretic, it increases the amount of urine produced by the body and water helps the body metabolize alcohol faster by eliminating its toxic waste through the urine. Interchange alcohol intake with water or other non-alcoholic beverages to prevent dehydration and disorders the next day.

5? Avoid Caffeine

Contrary to popular belief, having a bitter coffee to reduce the headache does not always work in the event of a hangover. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which can make the headache worse, and has diuretic properties that help dehydrate the body.

6? Eat light foods

Collaborate with your body by consuming more easily digestible foods as it has just been overwhelmed with heavy alcohol intake. Give preference to carbohydrate-rich foods, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and plenty of fluids, foods that provide energy for the liver to process and eliminate toxins and excess alcohol. Escape the fried foods, sauces, yellow cheeses and fats that overwhelm the digestive system.

7? Choose quality drinks

If you do not have complete confidence in the origin of the drink, it may be better not to drink. The market is full of counterfeit drinks that promise the same taste, but because they are made with low quality products, they detonate the body more easily.

8? Beware of medicines

There are drugs that help minimize alcohol damage, but each one acts at a specific point in pain, which leads some people to take different drugs to combat different symptoms, such as painkillers, antacids and others. Therefore it is better to be careful, because the excess of medicines besides being dangerous, can overload the liver.

9? Take a rest

If the hangover got you, the way is to face it peacefully. Stay in bed as long as possible, away from the light, giving your body everything it needs after so much agitation: rest.

Each person needs to know their own limit in order to be able to drink in moderation. In addition to being more elegant, it avoids not only hangover, but a host of other disorders, vexations and even confusion. And always remember: if you drink, don't drive.

How to Clean up to Hide Your Hangover (April 2024)

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