Collective diet: exchange of experiences and extra motivation

There are several groups available to assist people in both weight loss and addiction other than food. With the help of the therapist, the nutritionist and the participants, the group allows to discover, transform and enrich each other's interpersonal relationship mode, as it enables the sharing of common experiences, important for physical and emotional well-being.

A rich space in examples, guidelines and strategies that help people identify their difficulties, emotions that interfere with their food intake, as the positive reinforcement of the group that strengthens the other members involved in the weight loss process.

Losing weight requires changing habits and attitudes that have accompanied the patient for years. They need a lot of discipline, a good understanding of body changes and psychological accompaniment.

For participants to be successful in this decision, one of the best ways is to discuss the fact thoroughly, exchanging experiences with people who go through the same moment of life. Group meetings provide this security as they discuss issues that will support you when deciding to actually change your lifestyle.

There are several treatment modalities, and group dieting is very enriching, generating assertive and conscious behaviors for a healthy result. The goal of the collective diet is to assist people in developing lean behaviors, promoting changes in eating and behavioral habits, generating a healthy weight loss and appropriate to a new lifestyle to be adopted.

Eating is for life, so nothing more than being able to eat properly, allowing oneself to eat what one likes without deprivation and feelings of sadness. There are many complaints from people who feel deprived when they decide to go on diets, because they understand that they should cut off all the foods they like, generating a strong sense of restriction, which usually leads them to abandon treatment.

All weight loss should be accompanied by qualified professionals, avoiding the use of magical resources that are not efficient and are counterproductive and can cause eating disorders.

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  • Wellness, Diets, Weight Loss
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