8 Natural Repellents To Protect Your Home From Mosquitoes

Getting rid of mosquitoes is no easy task. Rain or shine, there they are always disrupting everyone's life. Repellents are often the most widely used alternative in the fight against these small enemies.

But a Duke University study showed that the main ingredient in commercial repellents leaves more than one bad odor. They damage brain cells and can cause behavioral changes as well as the risk of dangerous interactions with other medications.

Another study also showed that up to 15% of these repellents tend to be absorbed through the skin and fall directly into the bloodstream. Among the toxic effects caused are reproductive disorders, mutations of genetic material and disorders of the central nervous system.

For all this, an alternative to getting rid of mosquitoes without suffering long-term health consequences is to choose an effective natural repellent. Here are some tips:

1 ? Cat's Weed

Catnip, better known as Cat Herb, is a medicinal and aromatic plant. Once harvested and dried, it is widely used as a toy stuffing for cats. A survey from the University of Iowa in the United States found that the essential oil found in Catnip herb is about 10 times more effective than a traditional repellent.

2 ? Citronella

Very used by those who have small children, exactly because it is natural. The tip is to use only pure essential oil, not fragrance oil. If the idea is to use the product directly on the skin, look for health food stores. Bulk oils purchased for burning are not suitable for body application.

3? Garlic

If you eat a lot of fresh garlic, your body will give off a strong garlic aroma, which also repels mosquitoes.

4? Lavender

Lavender essential oil smells great and is an effective repellent, especially if diluted in another oil such as apricot kernel, sweet almond or coconut oil.

5? Neem or Neem Seed Oil

According to a study by the United States Research Council, this oil is more effective than a traditional repellent. The results have been confirmed by scientists at the Malaria Institute of India, as Nim is a growing plant in the country.

6? Soy oil

It is cheap and easy to find. Also, it is a great body moisturizer. Another benefit, pointed out in research cited in the England Journal of Medicine, is that if used in the body, there is an ingredient in soy that slows hair growth. Give preference to organic soybean oil that is not genetically modified.

7? Lotus

It is effective not only as a repellent but also helps to kill mosquito larvae. As the lotus grows in water, it is a good choice as a natural repellent on tanks and vases.

8? Black pepper

Black pepper oil, according to research, is yet another effective alternative to repelling mosquitoes.

General Tip:

Mix 30 drops of Catnip, Citronella, Lavender, Neem and Pepper essential oils (six drops of each oil) in about 30ml of an unscented natural oil or moisturizer. Rub a little on the skin before exposing yourself outdoors. Another tip is to mix 30 drops of essential oils in organic soybean oil for extra protection. But always do a skin test at least 24 times to make sure you have no sensitivity to any of the oils.

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