8 foods to control anxiety

Do you have a running routine and it's hard to keep quiet? The hustle and bustle of modern life can cause anxiety and damage overall health: it disturbs sleep, alters mood, and sometimes causes the scale pointer to skyrocket.

When in excess, anxiety causes an emotional mess and triggers feelings of discomfort and distress. There are treatments and therapies to treat this problem, but before going on medications, a great natural way to calm the nerves is through food.

Some foods are full of nutrients that are important to the body's proper functioning, and can help to reduce stress, increase the feeling of tranquility and improve your mood.

The list below has been prepared by nutritionist Marina Donadi and indicates some foods that should help you to get your spirits more balanced. Check out:

1. Citrus fruits

They are rich in vitamin C, which reduces the production of cortisol, considered the stress hormone. Does this vitamin also act to fight free radicals? substances that increase anxiety and cause aging. Lemon, orange and other sources of vitamin C, such as strawberry, arugula and broccoli are great foods, as well as fighting anxiety, have low calories.

2. Legumes

Grains such as beans, lentils and chickpeas are rich in vitamin B6 and folic acid, essential substances for the formation of serotonin. Serotonin is considered the happiness hormone as it is responsible for the feeling of well being and relaxation.

3. Meat and fish

These foods are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for the production of serotonin. They help improve sleep, combat anxiety and provide a feeling of well-being. To enjoy these benefits without leaving the diet, opt for lean meats.

4. Oilseeds

This group includes nuts, walnuts and almonds. Oil fruits help fight irritation and stress because they are rich in magnesium, a substance that helps convert tryptophan to serotonin, and are also a source of vitamin E and B, which help the immune system. In addition, these foods combat skin aging, improve thyroid function, reduce bad blood cholesterol levels, and feel satiated. But the nutritionist warns: you need to consume in moderation, as they are very caloric.

5. Milk and derivatives

Milk and its derivatives contain calcium, a substance responsible for controlling the transmission of nerve impulses. Lowering blood calcium can make the anxiety problem worse. When choosing these foods, give preference to lean options such as white cheese and skim milk.

6. Carbohydrates

They are a source of carbohydrate foods such as bread, rice, oats and pasta. They raise blood sugar levels and provide energy, disposition and well-being. This food group is often seen as a villain in diets, but carbohydrates are indispensable for the proper functioning of the body. For nutritionist Marina Donadi, the important thing is to consume in moderation and make good choices. "Always choose the whole options over the processed ones, since they have more nutrients, are rich in fiber and prolong the feeling of satiety", indicates.

7. Spinach

Spinach is rich in folic acid, a potent vitamin that acts as a natural antidepressant. When concentrations of this substance are low in the body, serotonin levels also decrease. In addition, this food acts as an antioxidant, improves brain function and has very few calories.

8. Chocolate

Are chocolates rich in flavonoids? A type of antioxidant that favors the production of serotonin? and can help alleviate anxiety. But for this food, the nutritionist indicates extra caution. As they are very caloric and generally high in fat and sugar, consumption should be moderate. When buying, the ideal is to choose the bitter chocolates and with more cocoa in its composition. The higher the cocoa percentage, the better ?, says Marina.

The Best Calming Foods to Fight Anxiety (April 2024)

  • Food, Stress
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