Makeup for mature skin: ideas, tips and photos to inspire

It is not true that as the years go by, more and more make-up is needed to cover age expression marks. On the contrary! Much better is to learn to value the face in every period of life.

The key to perfect make-up on mature skin is not to overdo it. The balance between the products used and the softness of the colors create a harmonious effect and do not leave the skin too marked or cracked.

With a little care and attention to your own features and the particular details of your face, you can be sure that makeup will make you even more beautiful, regardless of age!

5 tips from an expert to follow without fear

No more doubts when applying makeup on mature skin! Makeup artist Carolina Machado explains some tricks to get her makeup right:

  1. The choice of products is very important. With age, the skin tends to get a little drier than it was before, so investing in makes that have the moisturizing factor is ideal. Avoid dust and bases with dry coverage.
  2. Also look for products that offer a natural or brightening effect to soften and brighten the face and minimize the appearance of deeper lines and creases.
  3. At any age, the eye area is the thinnest region of the face, and deserves extra attention! Therefore, the makeup artist strongly indicates the use of primer or moisturizer in this place, always before applying the concealer.
  4. Regarding the shadow, prefer to use the satin shadows that do not mark so much. Shimmering and opaque can have a not-so-nice effect on mature skin by drawing a lot of attention and over-creasing the creases.
  5. And if you like dark lipstick, there's no way you can't use it! Carolina Machado states that it is a myth that he makes the woman look older. ? If included within a light, harmonic, well-built composition, it will look elegant with a bolder grip!

Walkthrough: Neutral Make for Mature Skin

Following the tips of makeup artist Carolina Machado, learn how to make the perfect make up for mature skin:

Also read: 10 Beautiful Makeup Combinations to Get You Off the Basics

  1. First step, always: cleanse and moisturize! Wash your face thoroughly, dry and apply a moisturizer to your face. Caprice in the eye area.
  2. After moisturizing, it is still important to apply a primer, which makes the skin softer and softens the appearance of pores.
  3. Base time! Opt for a light and smooth finish? liquids usually have these characteristics. Some bases also have sunscreen and anti-aging factor, and are even better suited! Apply without pressure with a brush.
  4. For concealer, apply small amounts to the skin and spread by tapping your fingers. This will make it a smoother finish and even skin.
  5. In eyelashes, a layer of mask is always welcome! Choose a mascara that highlights what you prefer (more volume, longer lashes) and rub on the upper lashes.
  6. Do not forget the lips! Since the eye make-up was once gentle, you can choose the color you like best for your mouth. Shades of pink and coral look great and are always a great option.
  7. To finish, why not a little cheek color? Choose a pink or peach blush and rub your cheekbones a little. Your makeup is ready!

Makeup Tutorials for Mature Skin

Check out in practice how to make beautiful makes created especially for mature skins:

Makeup For Mature Skin With My Grandma by Ba Ferrazzo

After rubbing the moisturizer all over his face, Ba Ferrazzo shows how to work his eyebrows as well. It takes a certain skill to do eyebrow makeup, but the end result is amazing!

Mother's Day Makeup Tutorial by Juliana Góes

The mother of blogger Juliana Góes was not afraid to embark on a super striking makeup! Even with dark lipstick and well-contoured eye, the make was not heavy and the difficulty of making is average.

Dark Mature Skin Makeup by Telma Castro Silva

In this video, the makeup artist uses products that specifically highlight and value dark and black skins. A nice detail is that she also uses concealer on the eyelids to even out the skin well.

Make For Mature Women by Alice Salazar

The make of this video is ideal for those who want a light and sophisticated look at the same time. The secret is, once again, to prepare the skin well, but the look is easy to achieve and beautiful!

Read also: How to apply make-up so it doesn't look like it's made up

Beautiful Makeup Inspirations For Mature Skin

Get inspired by bloggers and blogger moms to make beautiful looks that match your style!

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Making a make-up for mature skin is not difficult, you just have to give it the attention it deserves and not get caught up in the fear of daring.

Glowing,Youthful Day MakeUp Tutorial For Mature Skin (April 2024)

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