More weight or more repetitions: which is better in bodybuilding?

It may be that you train at the gym or do your exercises at home, but the question is often the same: is it worth it to push harder on the load or do the results appear even when you are doing several repetitions of the sets using heavier weights. light?

The answer, as with many other questions that always raise some controversy, is that it all depends on the goals you have with bodybuilding.

Do I really need to increase weight or repetitions?

Before we understand the indications for increasing load or increasing repetitions, it must be made clear that it is not advisable to always train in the same way, so these changes are necessary.

You may have noticed: after spending a few days training with the same weight or number of repetitions, the exercise that was once so hard begins to get easier. The problem is that once it is no longer a challenge to your body, you will not make progress towards your goal.

So, whether you are heavier, more repetitive or both, you need to make adjustments as you adapt to your weight training series. Now, with that said, we can discuss which of the changes is most interesting for each objective.

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For those who want to gain strength and muscle mass

If your goal is to build muscle and gain lean mass as well as increase your strength, the most current recommendation is to make your movements until you reach muscle failure, ie the point where your body can no longer perform the exercise? and this can be done with more weight or more repetitions.

In general, there is a preference for using more load and fewer repetitions; for example, three sets of 6 to 12 repetitions with the weight close to the maximum you can lift until the failure occurs. The interval between sets should be 60 to 120 seconds.

However, many studies argue that decreasing the load and increasing the number of repetitions would have the same effect. In this case, the weight should be about half the load limit you support so that you can perform two to three sets with 20 to 25 repetitions. The interval between sets should be 30 to 60 seconds.

Other experts, in turn, argue that the best gains in muscle mass are achieved when your workout alternates weight and repetitions, because increasing one or the other quickly leads to exhaustion.

So one week you would do shorter sets with a higher load, and the next week you would do longer sets but with lighter weights. That way your body would have time to regain muscles after the heavier training week.

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Regardless of the training program, people who are looking for muscle gain usually do their bodybuilding exercises 4-6 times a week.

For those who want to lose weight and increase their stamina

Although aerobic exercise is most famous when it comes to losing weight, bodybuilding is also very important for reducing fat and defining muscles as they burn more calories.

So if your goal is to lose weight or gain more stamina, the tip is to bet on less weight and more repetitions. An example of training would be to do three to four sets with 15 to 25 repetitions, according to your level of progress, using medium weight loads.

Muscle training should be done at least three times a week, alternating with aerobic exercise on another three days. For those who aim to lose weight, it is also essential to associate the workout with a balanced diet.

For those who are starting to train now

If you are starting your first bodybuilding workout, you must first adapt your body before dedicating yourself to a specific goal. Otherwise, you will be very subject to pain and injury that may prevent you from continuing your journey in the fitness world.

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Thus, when we start to practice weight training, the tip is to invest in the sets with less weight and more repetitions for about three weeks. After this time, your muscles will be able to face new challenges, whether to lose weight or get stronger.

All exercise should be accompanied by a Physical Education professional properly qualified to identify the needs and limits of your body. Thus, you will have a personalized workout, able to offer the best results with a lower risk of injury.

Light Weights vs Heavy Weights for Muscle Growth (May 2024)

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